Metro – August 1, 2018

REGULAR MEETING – August 1, 2018

The El Rancho Florida Metropolitan District held their regular monthly meeting on August 1, 2018 at 6:00 PM.   The following Board members attended the meeting:

Steve Swisher – President
Robin Boucher – Vice President
David Shipps – Treasurer
Ken Charles – Director

Also, present for the meeting were:  Robert Ludwig and Tom Riley – Water Operators; Rex Emenegger – grader operator and Marsha Moreland – administrator were also present.  The meeting was called to order at 6:00 PM.



A motion was made, moved and passed approving the July 11 – Regular meeting minutes and the July 16, 2018 – Special meeting minutes as presented.



Robert Ludwig dropped production to 50 gpm, instead of 75 gpm, as the system works better at the lower rate.  He had increased it due to the drought conditions and the high demand.  The 480 Ranchos Florida hydrant needs to be replace or a new rod put in it.  It is not a ‘working’ hydrant.  There will be a bill from Goff showing the hydrant flows for Karola Hanks, La Plata County Fire Marshall.

Robert met with Goff Engineering on Monday to go over the Engineering ‘Scope of Services’.  The District needs to have a contract executed with Goff Engineering for the Dola Application process.

Robert has not talked with La Plata Archuleta Water District at all on an ‘agreement’ for an ‘emergency’ hydrant which would flow for either District in an emergency situation.

Testing for Lead, Copper and other organics will be done this month of August.



The Accounts Payable were reviewed, approved and signed by the Board. There was no Accounts Receivable report emailed out as there were only 2 people on the list.  Marsha updated the Board on the District’s insurance coverage as requested by the Board.  The files are covered no matter where they are; the canopies over the picnic tables are covered as well as the gate.  Anything in the common area by the pond & pump house is covered.  What is not covered would be a building that is not completely owned by the District.  It is not possible to have flood insurance coverage anymore as it is way too expensive for most Districts according to the insurance company.  So anything new structure wise would not have flood coverage in the common area by the pond or along the river.


The Board reminded Rex that he is to submit his time to Marsha with details so that she can categorize the expenses.  Marsha will inform the Payroll Department of the hours to be paid for Rex and Robert Schmidt.  Hours are to be to Marsha no later than the 26th of the month so that she has time to review and ask any questions that may need clarity on time spent.



Robin Boucher said he was at the meeting at Wester’s house between Dalton, of Desert Mountain, Jeff Wester and himself to discuss the facts about the re-application of mag chloride/lignum sulfate solution to the District’s roads and Brice Place.  Dalton gave a brief review of the application and the benefits of the solution to the gravel roads.  Dalton did do a letter for the District stating the road was not wet enough for the mag solution to its job.  The road was ready at 1:00 when Desert Mountain said they would be there.  Desert Mountain was to apply.50 application on Brice Place.  Dalton assured those present that they had, however, Jeff Wester questioned that the Desert Mountain driver had applied the solution as ordered.

The Board concluded that the District needs to be sure to pay Desert Mountain the full bill of $1409. They are not to be left ‘hanging’ for work completed.

A motion was made, moved and passed to pay Desert Mountain’s bill of $1409 immediately.

A discussion followed on a response to Jeff Wester’s letter.  Robin and Steve will agree upon the content of a letter to be sent responding to Wester.


Orange Barrels/Speed Bumps/Stop Sign Discussion:

After a brief discussion the Board agreed that there would be no more use of the orange barrels to slow traffic.  Stop signs within the county are put in after a ‘traffic study’ is completed for $1500.  Safety is prioritized in the county as to traffic flow, speed and safety.



The last weed spraying for the season will be done this month in the common areas.

Rex gave an update on the vandalism of the gate pads at the common area and where he was with ordering new ones, cost and installation.


There being no further business the meeting adjourned at 7:44 PM.

Jim Belcher, Secretary