The El Rancho Florida Metropolitan District Board of Directors held their regular monthly meeting on January 4, 2012 at 6:00 PM at 755 E. Second Avenue, Suite 2A, Durango, Colorado.  Board members present were:

Steve Swisher – President
Jack Wasserbach – Vice President
Tony Rocha – Secretary
David Shipps – Treasurer
Robin Boucher – Director

Also present at the meeting were: Rick Johnson – San Juan Engineering, Robert Ludwig –  Water Operator and Marsha Moreland – Administrator to the Board.  The meeting was called to order at 6:00 PM by the President.

A motion was made, moved and passed to approve the minutes for November 2, 2011 and December 7, 2011 with a correction to the tank level at 18.8 feet in the November 2 minutes.

When there are leaks in the system and because there are no air-vacs the system is not able to burp out the air in the lines pushing out the water.  This something that needs to be addressed when work is done on line replacement.  The auxiliary well was started the week before Christmas due to the inability to keep the tank level up with pumping times.  Another leak was found on Ranchos Florida at Marsha Stephen’s house which is to be repaired on Thursday. The pumps are pumping  30 gal/min into the infiltration gallery right now.

There are 13 meters that do not work after Robert did the reading this past month.  There are enough meters broken that perhaps the Board should decide on the meter replacement program sooner than later.  Rick Johnson, Engineer, stated that ‘flow requirement’ is an issue when replacing meters.  In the PER of Souder Miller & Associates there was $180,000 listed for meter replacement, software, mobile reader in truck, etc.  When the rate structure changes, then new meters should be put in place.

Rick Johnson did a ‘Project Schedule’ for the Board to review for 2012.  He suspects major concerns with the infiltration gallery.  His second spreadsheet was for the Preliminary Engineering work.  His plan is to put the project out to bid in July and begin construction August 3rd.  Then the District will be going on line with the system November 12th.

Rich needs to speak with Amy Huff on her scope of work completed on the water rights issues.  Steve will call Amy tomorrow and let her know that Rick Johnson has the Board’s permission to speak with her regarding El Rancho Florida Metropolitan District’s water rights.  The ground penetration radar will begin on Friday, January 6th.   The penetration radar will go down about 50’.  Once that work is complete then the surveyors will do the mapping of the lines throughout the system.  In 7-10 days the gallery will be surveyed with a camera.

A motion was made, moved and passed to proceed with the Preliminary Engineering work for $21,430 as outline by San Juan Engineering.  The work will be to obtain data, investigate and evaluate the system.

1.    A/R Report – Marsha reviewed the accounts receivable report with the Board. There are three accounts that are delinquent besides the two that have liens filed on them and that are turned off.  They will be shut off if payment in full is not received by January 12th.
2.    Budget 2012 – The numbers in the Budget are up to date through 12/31/11.  Marsha will e-mail a copy of the budget to Rick Johnson and Robert Ludwig.
3.    Billing Messages – Brief update on progress so far.
4.    Accounts Payable – The payables were reviewed and the following motion was made.
A motion was made, moved and passed to approve the payables submitted Dec. 21, 2011 thru January 4, 2012
5.     Posting Notices – Marsha asked those present if the meeting day, time and place needed to be changed.  It was agreed that the first Wednesday of each month at 6:00 pm at 755 E. 2nd. Avenue, Ste. 2A was fine.  The notices were signed by Steve Swisher for mailing to the appropriate authorities.

Marsha asked the Board who is authorizing the work for snow removal and grading that is being done.  A check is issued but she would like someone each month to carefully review the work to be sure is was required and approved.  There was discussion that perhaps there has been some ‘unnecessary grading’ done on the roads lately and that perhaps Bruce Hall is cutting too deep into the road base.  It was agreed that Tony will talk with Steve to see if he needs help monitoring Bruce Hall’s time on the grader for the following:  a)  scraping the roads in dangerous icy areas only, and b) keeping track of time spent doing the work.  Jack reported that the bridge light was replaced by Phillips Electric and that a bill should be forthcoming.
There being no further business the meeting adjourned at 8:45 pm.