REGULAR MEETING – October 1, 2014

The El Rancho Florida Metropolitan District held their regular monthly meeting on October 1, 2014 at 6:00 PM.   The regular meeting was attended by the following Board members:

Steve Swisher – President

Jack Wasserbach – Vice President

Robin Boucher – Secretary

Gary Skiba – Director

Also, present for the meeting were: Robert Ludwig – Water Operator,  Rex Emenegger – Grader Operator and Marsha Moreland – Administrator.  The meeting was called to order at 6:00 PM.



A motion was made, moved and passed to approve the Minutes of August 13, 2014 regular meeting.


Robert informed the BOD that the test results from Lead & Copper are really good and the Bacits.  There is a minimum chlorine level maintained per State requirements. The meters are read and Biessenberger’s reading was correct showing 71,000 gallons of water thru the meter.


Goff Engineering is 90% complete.  Steve will need to sign the design plans and then it will be sent to the State for review and approval.  There will then be a request for bids, not request for proposals.



Century Link is interested but Shywertz would be quicker on the installation.  Marsha will resend the copy from Bud Smith to the BOD.  The District will actually have 2 links but not all residents will be accessible for service.  It just depends on location of their lot.


EASEMENTS: Nothing to report at this time.



  • A brief audit discussion followed.  The Audit has been sent to CWAPA and the State Auditor.
  • Accounts Payable – A motion was made, moved and passed approving the payables reviewed.
  • Accounts Receivable – Marsha reviewed the delinquent accounts with the BOD and a brief discussion followed on Dahlstrom’s account being collected by the County Treasurer.
  • 2015 Budget Discussion – A lengthy discussion followed and in the General Fund, Marsha and Rex are to come up with numbers from Rex as to expenses in 2015.  It will be ready for the next meeting in November.
  • BP Amoco – They are hard at work and will have a mess to clean up around the area.  Marsha will dig out the contract with Amoco and send it to the BOD for review on Amoco’s agreed upon work.



  • Jack reported that BP is cleaning the culvert to Brice Place and are doing mag. work on Sundance Circle and cleanup of their work areas.
  • Gary Skiba updated the board on the radar data that is being collected by the County on the subdivision roads:  El Ranchos Florida Drive and Cassidy Dr.  Data should be available for the next months’ meeting.
  • Rex reviewed work done in September on the roads and what he anticipates for October and the rest of 2014.  See Rex’s road report attached.
  • Ken Charles’ culvert is in and there needs to be road base work yet.


There being no further discussion the meeting adjourned at 9:00 PM.


Robin Boucher, Secretary