July, 11, 2017


Regular Meeting – July 11, 2017

 A regular meeting of the Board of Directors for the El Rancho Florida HOA, Inc. was held on July 11, 2017 at 6:00 PM at 280 Sundance Circle. Present for the meeting were:

Rex Emenegger – President
Eric Sibelius – Vice President
Pete Diethrich – Treasurer
Wendy Ludgewait

Also present was: Marsha Moreland, Administrator.


The minutes of the June 13, 2017 minutes were approved with revisions.


1.     Accounts Receivable – Delinquent accounts total $669.70 – Wells Fargo Bank for 43 Pioneer Circle

2.     Accounts Payable – A motion was made and passed approving the payables at $2,829.84.


1.     Ditch Report –There is 1.5cfs of project water going to project water users.  The ditch is on call.

2.     Hale/Biessenberger Irrigation Ditch Concerns – The Pioneer Ditch was leaking causing flooding to Sonny Hale’s home and garage.  When the Ditch Co. was notified they blamed the flooding on a leak by the Metro. District’s water main.  Marsha called Robert Ludwig, Operator in Charge, who went out and determined it was not a leak in the District’s main nor in the service line to the property.

 Water was going under the house causing some structural damage.  There is also possible harm to Hale’s and Biessenberger’s septic systems which are located  below  the ditch.  Pioneer Ditch is not doing their due diligence regarding ditch maintenance in the subdivision.  A demand letter has been sent to the Pioneer Ditch board of directors by our attorney, regarding the installation of a pipe to carry the irrigation water above the Hale property.  This pipe would eliminate any future leakage from the ditch.  There has been no response.  Pioneer Ditch apparently wants to blame the Metro. District for the leak even though there was no pressure loss in the lines and the meters did not indicate any excessive usage.  When Pioneer Ditch shut off the ditch during the month, the water stopped surfacing under Hale’s house.

 Since the HOA owns 24% of the stock in the Pioneer Ditch Company, our attorney has been authorized to represent the concerns of the home owners association.  Continued and future leaks from the ditch could cause similar  damage to additional homeowners property located below the ditch.

 Tracy Cross, the HOA attorney will be speaking with Tom Fidler, Water Commissioner for the Florida River, District 30 of the Division of Water Resources.  She will also request that the Pioneer Ditch Company provide proof of insurance.

 3.     Bret Cochrane’s complaint regarding dirt bikes being driven in the common areas of the subdivision and on the County roads.   Complaints need to be filed with the County Sheriff at 385-2900 or by calling 911 and not the HOA.  HOA has no jurisdiction over county roads.

4.      Complaints regarding dogs should also be directed to central dispatch at 385-2900 or 911.

5.     HOA Website will be used for official HOA business only.  The new El Rancho Florida facebook page (All Things El Rancho Florida) is available for all personal uses.

6.     New Owners:  Chris Hoffman/Kate McKelvey – 768 Ranchos Florida Drive

7.     For Sale:   Niswender (Vacant Lot) 94 Pioneer Place

                           Winch 988 Ranchos Florida Drive

                           Concepcion 2616 CR 510


1.     Messages for billings: Pond Code; for dog complaints, dirt bike and road infractions call 911 or Central Dispatch at 385-2900.   Encourage residents to use the new Facebook page:  ‘All Things El Rancho Florida’ to report all personal information to other property owners of the subdivision.

 The meeting adjourned at 7:15 pm

 Teri Roberts, Secretary