The El Rancho Florida Metropolitan District Board of Directors held their regular monthly meeting on June 6, 2012 at 6:00 PM at 755 E. Second Avenue, Suite 2A, Durango, Colorado.  Board members present were:

Steve Swisher – President
Jack Wasserbach – Vice President
Tony Rocha – Secretary
Robin Boucher – Director

Also present at the meeting were: Rick Johnson – San Juan Engineering, Robert Ludwig –  Water Operator and Marsha Moreland – Administrator to the Board.  The meeting was called to order at 6:00 PM by the President. David Ships was out of town being unavailable for this meeting.

A motion was made, moved and passed to approve the minutes for May 2, 2012 as submitted.

WATER REPORT: (Monthly system update)
Rick Johnson stated that a general RFP was sent to 4 contractors and 2 were received back with proposals on the pump station improvements.  He reported that the plans are at 90% completion.  The proposals received were from the following manufacturers:
USEMCO at $ 184,390
EFI           at    157,926
SJE are recommending EFI for the plans, specification and Design Report.  Rick and his Staff are in the process of revising the plans.  A new contract price will be forthcoming.  At that time, then Rick will need the BOD’s approval. The length of time for construction will be 11-13 weeks.  The District should receive the pump station building on September 14th with the system on line October 12th.  The size of the clear well is 2,000 gallons.

Work to be completed outside of the pump station building will be by contractor for the wet well, foundation, gallery connections, chlorine contact chamber, electrical and plumbing.  Rick and Paul reviewed with the BOD the cost estimate for the Water Supply Treatment and Pumping Project at $489,213.  Steve asked for SJE’s liability and W/C insurance declarations page.  The insurance amount of SJE is $250,000.  The BOD is concerned that it may not be ample coverage for the scope of the project.  Marsha will call VFIS to get an opinion.

Rick Johnson said the review by the county is not a mandatory review.  However, the process is recommended by Bud Smith.  All agreed not to do the review if it is not mandatory.

A special meeting is to be organized in 10-14 days for approving the manufacturer’s contract.

Robert Ludwig, Water Operator, reported the pressure test was completed at Tami Thomas’s meter which showed there are plumbing issues that are to be addressed by her.  Tom Cooper’s meter was showing air in the line.  It turns out that the large amount of air in the line, throughout the system, was due to methane gas coming from the auxiliary well.  The draw down was significant and caused a bad BACTI sample.  It was an in-accurate sampling.  Robert has been testing the water since the 30th of May and all tests show no positive results.  A letter was received from the State requiring a higher chlorine level of 2.0.  There will be some complaints anticipated due to the higher chlorine levels.  Robert is monitoring everyday with a Monthly Operating Report for the State.  The auxiliary well is turned off.  Water samples of the new gallery were completed and the results should be back soon.

Meters have been read and there are five that are broken.  Robert stated that he does not mind reading the meters if the District can save money at this time.  He will be ordering meters and replacing the broken ones.  He is also buying bleach for treatment.

Jack completed the survey to show meters, hydrants, valves and lines, and recoating the bridge at a total estimated cost of $1,998,783.  The survey was completed by the due date.

1.    Accounts Receivable report – Marsha reviewed the report handed out to the BOD.
2.    Accounts Payable report – The payables were reviewed by Marsha and the following motion was made.
A motion was made, moved and passed to approve the Payables presented at the meeting for processing.

3.     Budget Comparison thru June 6th Payables – A brief discussion followed.  The directors will review the comparison further at their leisure and call Marsha if there are any questions or concerns.
4.    Director’s Oaths – The Oaths were completed and will be mailed off to the State.
5.    The Conservation Trust Fund needs to reimburse the O&M account $87.
6.    Marsha will get a spreadsheet for Robert on usage and production.
7.    Jack needs the physical address of the pump house.
8.    Marsha will be completing a payment request to CWAPA for expenses to date on the system improvements and just how to go about the process.  She will also place a call to Bud Smith on the form that he e-mailed her.  The request will go out in August or late July for approximately $125,000.

The BOD reviewed Rex’s report on the roads.  The mag application is completed and looks good.  Thanks David Ships for the time put in getting it together.

Robin Boucher received two bids for weed spraying in the subdivision.  Those bids were as follows:
1.     TRES MEASES – Mike – $1,076
2.     PREMIER – Kenny – $885 not to exceed.
Robin explained that he drove around with both and told them the District’s needs of 8’ on the ROW, open space and tank site.

A motion was made, moved and passed to have PREMIER do the job for the District as quoted for weed control.

John Krispin will order parts for the aerator impellers and cleaned out the filters.  The Board appreciates the work that John has done over the years for the District on the pond and the aeration system.

There being no further discussion the meeting adjourned at 9:00 PM.
