The El Rancho Florida Metropolitan District held their regular monthly meeting on March 6, 2013 in order to have a quorum present of the Board of Directors. The meeting was attended by the following Board members: Steve Swisher – President
Jack Wasserbach – Vice President
Tony Rocha – Secretary
David Ships – Treasurer

Robin Boucher had notified Marsha that he would be out of town and unable to attend this meeting. Also, present for the meeting were: Rick Johnson of SJE (San Juan Engineering), Robert Ludwig – Water Operator and Marsha Moreland – Administrator. The meeting was called to order at 6:00 PM.


A motion was made, moved and passed to approve the Minutes of January 16th as written. There was no quorum present for the February 6th meeting, and therefore no minutes.


Robert Ludwig stated that he had spent about 5 hours this week with Timberline and that things are beginning to come together. EFI will be back on the 18th. to finish up the second chlorinator and the things that need to be completed to finish the project. Timberline can do the remaining work remotely after EFI completes theirs on the 18th.

Robert reported that 19 meters were changed out. The process went quickly with Dustin doing the work with Robert. Meters will be read in April. He presented a listing of the meters replaced to date and will continue working on which ones will be replaced next year in the replacement program.


Robert provided a small copy of the work that BP is planning on doing in UNIT II. It appears that approximately 6 homeowners will be impacted. Jack will speak with Gary Wolt to see who to contact regarding the work. He will then get more particulars.


Rex had alerted Robert and Jack about what he thought was a line leaking at Salzer’s lot on Brice Place. It turned out that is was ‘surface drainage’ and no leak. It was recommended by Bonds Construction that the road should be raised 8″ to avoid the run off on to the roadway.


Rick reported to the Board of Directors that Timberline and EFI are working out the controls and SJE will be closing out the project in March. Rick gave to Marsha a PDF Digital file and other files he still had for the District’s permanent office files. Marsha asked for a hard copy as well of

the plats for the office. He will be closing the project with Bonds Construction and holding $10,000 until the demolition of the old pump house is done. At that time Bonds will dress up the area, blow some grass seed in and cover it with straw and dress up the road with gravel. The road will be graveled with ¾” size gravel.

Rich stated that there is a Change Order for Phillips Electric on the wiring of the site, specific to the blower and overflow pipe relative to Bonds Construction Pay Request No. 4.

Robert explained how to access the screen for monitoring the Pump House on the internet. He explained that no one but himself can do any adjustments or accidentally change anything by accessing the site. He then gave a brief instructional on the particulars to access the website for the BOD and Marsha.


Rick presented a listing of the delay costs to Bonds Construction at $ 2,300.00; Timberline Electric at $ 650.00 and SJE at $6,000.00. These costs total up to $8,950.00 in Change Orders for the project. Rick has been communicating with EFI and they will accept the full amount of $8,950 in delay costs.

A motion was made, moved and passed to approve the Change Orders to Bonds Construction, Timberline Electric and SJE totaling $ 8,950. Upon completion of the project by EFI the El Rancho Florida Metropolitan District will issue a check in the amount of $195 to EFI as full payment on the project. Rick explained that EFI wants an ‘agreement’ on the end of cost over runs exclusive of warranty. There followed a lengthy discussion the need for an agreement written for EFI on the cost over runs they are responsible for.

A motion was made, moved and passed to have Bud Smith write a one page letter documenting the cost overruns and the cause of the delayed ‘Start Up’. He will compose the agreement for the Board to sign at the next regular meeting.

Rick gave to Marsha the Notice of Final Settlement with Bonds Construction for the Durango Herald. It should be published 2 times: once on Feb. 20th and once on Feb. 27th.


As the operator in responsible charge for El Rancho Florida Metropolitan District, Robert Ludwig has notified the Board that he will contract with Dustin to do more of the work at $35/hr. and free up Robert’s time for his other accounts. Robert will remain the OPRC. Robert will go thru and do a listing of the items Dusting will be doing for a contract with him.

Robert will also be working on a plan for putting in valves, hydrants and air check valves with vaults. For budgeting purposes those costs should run approximately $5,000 on hydrants;

$2,500 for valves and $15,000 for air checks with vaults. He will know more after he researches those costs further.


  1. Accounts Receivable – On March 15th a check will be received for all fees owed to the District on 40 Sundance Circle – Ferraro. The amount should be $8,391.80 plus the $100 Transfer Fee. Nothing yet on Dahlstorm’s account.
  2. Accounts Payable – A motion was made, moved and passed to approve the payables for February and March as listed.
  3. Audit by Clark White & Associates – A motion was made, moved and passed to sign the engagement letter with Clark White & Associates for the 2012 Audit.
  4. LPE Notice – Marsha will publish the notice received from LPEA that they are trimming trees in the area. It will be sent by e-mail.


Marsha had given copies of Rex Emenegger’s Road Report to the Board of Directors. (See attached) A priority item is the roadway just east of the bridge apron. It needs to be filled in and repaired. The Board will have Bonds Construction address the problem when the finish up the pump house site. Other items of concern will be addressed on a priority basis.

Christina Dos Reis has requested that the Board look at Ute Place for gravel or repair considerations.

John Lamoreaux has requested that the Board look at his plugged culvert at 122 Brice Place for cleaning.

There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 8:30 PM.


Tony Rocha, Secretary