The El Rancho Florida Metropolitan District Board of Directors held their regular monthly meeting on November 2, 2011, at 6:00 PM at 755 E. Second Avenue, Suite 2A, Durango, Colorado. Board members present were: Steve Swisher – President

Jack Wasserbach – Vice President

Tony Rocha – Secretary

David Ships – Treasurer

Robin Boucher – Director

Also present at the meeting were Robert Ludwig, Water Operator and Marsha Moreland – Administrator to the Board. The meeting was called to order at 6:00 PM by the President.


A motion was made, moved and passed to approve the minutes of October 5, 2011.


Testing is going to be substantial as compared to previous years. Testing for Uranium was missed in 2010 and needs to be done. All the tests looked pretty good when Robert reviewed them. The MPA location needs to be at the pump house – ‘Source’ should be on the form. All testing has been done for 2011. Both the giardia and the cryptosporidium counts need to be tested. The Backup well is a ‘work in progress’ at this point.

The tank is at 18.8 feet with shut off at 20 feet. There should be a 6-8 hr. rest time between pumping cycles. The chlorine level has been .6 to .8. CT calculations are at a comfortable level.

Robert will be working on a more standard bacti testing plan.

A leak was repaired at Martha Abernathy’s meter. It had been leaking for quite some time and is now fixed. It was leaking at about 25-30 gallons a minute. There is another leak up by the tank site that will need to be scheduled soon as well.


Jack met with Bob Metzler (SMA Engineering) and Rick Johnson (San Juan Engineering) on their proposals to the District. Goff Engineering came in at $40,000 and both SMA and San Juan Engr. were similar in their bids. Robert Ludwig stated that it is important to have an engineer on board now as the District Engineer.

A motion was made, moved and passed to contract with San Juan Engineering, Rick Johnson, to do the project with clarification on the PER requirements and no duplicating work already completed by SMA Engineering. The CAD drawings and other information should be received from SMA Engineering for Rick Johnson.


The District should apply for a loan for $365,000 with CWPA for the treatment process and collection system.

A motion was made, moved and passed approving Jack to proceed with the loan application for treatment & collection improvements in the amount of $365,000.

Robert offered to speak with Ann Oliver to help with the application process.


  1. A/R Report – Marsha reviewed the Delinquent accounts with the Board. She does not anticipate having to actually shut off any services during Thanksgiving and Christmas. The Notices sent out totaled $2,704 which involved 9 lots.
  2. Budget 2012– The numbers for the 2012 Budget were reviewed once again with the BOD and it was decided to change the Tank Inspection costs from $2500 to $1600 on the 150,000 gallon tank. Line repairs/replacement would be increased from $1500 to $8500 and the Meter Replacement Project in Capital would not be done in 2012, so $80,000 would be dropped off the Capital Improvements listing.
  3. Billing Messages – Continue to ask for e-mail addresses from the residents; move trash cans off of the road when emptied; Happy Thanksgiving and NO PARKING on the roadway.
  4. Accounts Payable – The payables were reviewed with the BOD (See listing)

A motion was made, moved and passed to approve the accounts payable for November.


The BOD discussed what the hourly rate should be for the backup grader operator, Bruce Hall.

Since the experience level is not the same for Bruce as for Rex the rate should not be $21/hr. but at $18/hr. Steve will speak with Rex about the hourly rate. Any action was tabled until the December meeting.

There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 8:00 PM.


Tony Rocha, Secretary