Metro. – November 2, 2016


REGULAR MEETING – November 2, 2016

 The El Rancho Florida Metropolitan District held their regular monthly meeting on November 2, 2016 at 6:00 PM.   The following Board members attended the meeting:

Robin Boucher – Vice President
Mike Arries – Secretary
David Shipps – Treasurer
Jim Belcher- Director

Also, present for the meeting were: Robert Ludwig & Tom Riley – Water Operators, Rex Emenegger – Grader Operator and Marsha Moreland – Administrator.  The meeting was called to order at 6:00 PM.


A motion was made, moved and passed to approve the Minutes of October 5, 2016 regular meeting as revised.


  1. Water Loss Report is at 53% and is due largely to Bonds Construction’s work on the roads.
  2. The meeting with Erick Worker went great. There were just a few items to finish up on for final submittal to the CWAP.  A Change Order on the Roads, Last Pay Request by Williams and Notice of Final Settlement needs to be done.  Erick was very pleased with the record keeping done by the Staff.
  3. Leak Report – Kelly Maertin has used over 200,000 gallons in two months. Marsha has tried to contact her with no success.  Larry Malmood also had a leak and it is repaired.
  4. Bonds will be doing the finish up work on Valley Place and Pioneer Circle. They need to provide the Davis-Bacon Payroll for the last loan requisition.
  5. Marsha reviewed the Water Fund revisions made by Robert. He has included expense to train Tom Riley to move into his position.  Robert will be phasing himself out as the Operator in Charge when Tom has his licensing and training.  Robert will still be available for consulting and as a backup for Tom.  The Data Collector for 2017 will run about $9,000 to record data on the system on a daily basis.


  1. The Board discussed an increase in the monthly fees. After a brief discussion it was agreed that the Budget should reallocate the % amounts again to see if they can get by without having to do an increase in fees as requested by David Shipps, Treasurer and Rex Emenegger, President of the HOA.
  2. The Budget Hearing will be December 7th at 6:00 PM at the building. Marsha will post the notice in the Durango Herald.  The Budget Message and Proposed Budget will be sent out to all residents prior to the hearing.
  3. Accounts Receivable report was sent to the Board prior to the meeting. Brief discussion followed.
  4. Accounts Payable – A motion was made, moved and passed approving the payables submitted at the meeting.
  5. The Draft of the 2017 Budget was reviewed after revisions from the October meeting. Proposed increases were discussed on maintenance and payroll.  The Board agreed to the proposed 5% increase in payroll for all employees as proposed in the 2017 Budget.  In order to not increase fees the General Fund reduced the Capital Expense by $8,000 making it $52,000 instead of $60,000.  Marsha will do a re-allocation of the fees for the next meetingl.


Rex discussed with the Board his report for the month of October.  The vehicles need to be winterized yet, Rex will be doing some finish up grading and watering where needed on the roads.

There being no further discussion the meeting adjourned at 7:40 PM.

Michael Arries, Secretary