REGULAR MEETING – November 5, 2014

The El Rancho Florida Metropolitan District held their regular monthly meeting on November 5, 2014 at 6:00 PM.   The regular meeting was attended by the following Board members:

Steve Swisher – President

Jack Wasserbach – Vice President

Robin Boucher – Secretary

David Shipps – Treasurer

Gary Skiba – Director

Also, present for the meeting were: Robert Ludwig – Water Operator,  Rex Emenegger – Grader Operator and Marsha Moreland – Administrator.  The meeting was called to order at 6:00 PM.



A motion was made, moved and passed to approve the Minutes of October 1, regular meeting and Public Hearing of September 17, 2014.


Water sold for October was 473,586 gallons with production of 508,108 gallons and a loss of 7%.  The meters need to be changed out yet before the end of November and there is still about $500 in testing to be done.  David Shipps as if the water was considered hard and if anything could be done about it.  Robert explained that yes the water is hard and to treat for hardness is an expensive process.  Robert will be doing hydrant flushing this month yet to test pressure/flows.



Robert explained that he received information on the new money DOLA has for Energy Impact Grants that requires a ‘statement of need’, which the District definitely has.  He would like to do an application for $600,000 by December 4th for the District’s water system improvements project.  He will have it ready for the December meeting and then the Board can decide on the amount of ‘match’ money.  The project would be for 2016-2017 work.



Gary Skiba informed the other board members that he just needs to add the comments that Jack had on the buried electrical line requirements.  He will then get it to SkyWerx for signing.


EASEMENT WORK: Nothing to report at this time.



  • Accounts Payable – Reviewed and a motion to approve the payables submitted was made, moved and passed.
  • Accounts Receivable – 3 delinquent accounts:  Diethrich, Kays and Snow totaling $1,360.48.
  • BP AMOCO – They are done with the seeding of the ground they disturbed and will be doing mag on the roads in mid-November, according to Rex.  Ground reclamation is complete.  BP will also be cleaning out the culverts on Sundance and Cassidy Dr. according to BP’s Raphael Mendez.  They will need to bring in material and base for the roads as well.
  • A motion was made, moved and passed to open a new account for the DOLA Distribution Grant money in the amount required for a minimum balance and update all signature cards for the other accounts of the District as well.
  • 2015 Budget Discussion was deferred until the end of the Roads discussion.




  • Traffic Enforcement – Gary Skiba reviewed the County’s Radar Data with the Board.  On Cassidy Drive there were 97% of the cars going 30mph or less; on Ranchos Florida Drive 94% of cars going 30mph or less.  From the information received it does not indicate a speeding problem overall in the subdivision.  Steve Swisher asked that Gary Skiba e-mail the data received to Gary & Jerry Wolt since they had indicated that they felt there was a speeding problem in the subdivision.  Gary will speak with the County and see if they will do it again in areas we choose for speed checks.  Gary also indicated he will check into lighted speed signs to see what those cost.
  • Ken Charles’ Culvert – Ken Charles had sent a Thank You to the BOD for the timely work that Rex and Ashburn Construction did putting in the culvert at the end of his drive and cutting the ditches for better drainage.  Rex stated that 2 more loads of road base are needed at the NE corner of the turn to River Front Place and South for $600.
  • Rex reviewed his ‘Short List’ of To Dos before the end of the year yet.  The Board OK’d the work and increased the budget for 2014 by $2500 for brush removal, road base and culvert cleaning.
  • Delineator posts will be put up by the big hole by Martha Abernathy’s for the winter and until the work can be done to correct the problem.

2015 BUDGET:

  1. After a brief discussion, a motion was made, moved and passed for the Metro. District to enter into an Agreement with the Home Owners Association to take charge of the management and maintenance of the UNIT I Common Areas by the pond.
  2. The Board is considering having one roof built for over the picnic table by the pond out of the Conservation Trust Fund for $7000.
  3. It was agreed that the District should move to having their regular contractors on payroll rather than contract.  Marsha will make the appropriate adjustments in the budget for 2015.  Payroll will begin January 1st, 2015.
  4. After a lengthy discussion the board agreed that the General Fund expenses should be reduced by $15,000 in order to balance the budget.


A motion was made, moved and passed to have Robert Ludwig, Dustin Sibik, Rex Emenegger and Marsha Moreland as employees rather than contract.  The district will have the Payroll Service handle payroll and reports for the District.  Rex Emenegger will be hourly at $21/hr.; Dustin Sibik will be at $530/mo.; Robert Ludwig at $1060/mo. and Marsha Moreland’s will be determined but will be a monthly amount rather than hourly.  Marsha will get with the Payroll Service and get what is needed to implement payroll.


There being no further business the meeting adjourned at 8:15 pm.


___________________________, Secretary