A regular meeting of the Board of Directors for El Rancho Florida Metropolitan District was held on October 6, 2010, at 6:00 PM at 755 E. Second Avenue, Ste. 2A.

Board members present were:
Steve Swisher – President
Jack Wasserbach – Vice President
Tony Rocha – Secretary
David Shipps – Treasurer
Robin Boucher

Also present for the meeting were Marsha Moreland – Administrator and Ray Smith – Water Operator. The meeting was called to order at 6:00 PM.

A motion was made, moved and passed to approve the minutes of September 8, 2010.

A motion was made, moved and passed to approve the payables as listed.  (See attached)

Ray Smith reported that the repair to the water line on Cassidy Dr. and Sundance Circle, by Schmidt’s lot, involved two ‘T’s in the section of line replaced.  One of the ‘T’s let go when uncovered.  After the repair a super dose of chlorination was pushed thru the line and system.

The pump replacement on PUMP #3 was still under warranty.  There will be a bill from Clint Brooks from Brooks Well Service for his time involved.

There is a ’LOW’ clear well alarm going off at the pump house.  Ray thinks it is a mercury valve that is hanging up on the float and will investigate it further.  The water is coming in at a rate of 60 gpm and is pumping out at 55 gpm.  The ground water is not coming in at the rate of 60 gpm so he put the auxiliary well back on line for awhile.

The intrusion alarm is not functioning properly.  Ray is going to check the float for that.  He would like to meter how much water is going thru the overflow pipe at the pond.  This is the time of year the ground water level drops off.  The temperature alarms are set for 48 degrees and appear to be working properly.

The assessment is complete and the USDA application is almost finished.  The application does not need to be turned in until December 30th.  Along with the application an Income Survey needs to be attached for funding consideration.  Colorado Water and Power Authority are due December 15th. for Spring consideration.  Loans are at 2% with some possible loan forgiveness.  The loans are for 20 years.  Again, an Income Survey needs to be attached for consideration of funding.

Tony has drafted the information for the survey and the accompanying information letter with some additional news items.  The Board and Marsha will hand out the surveys for better results to DOLA.  The letter was reviewed by Barbara Mason the State Demographer.  Ms. Mason will be doing the data configurations and report back to the District.  All information sent in by owners is strictly confidential. The surveys go directly to the State Demographer’s office.

Marsha reviewed the listing of delinquent receivables.  Those 60 plus days overdue.  There are 10 accounts that are past due; however, she is only concerned with about 6 of them that are larger.  Most individuals will send in payment when they receive a Shut Off notice.

Marsha and Tony will form a letter to go out to those individuals that are holding the larger balances.  This letter will be a form letter to be used for collection purposes.  Marsha and Tony will get together in November.

David Clerici will be working with Jack and Bud Smith on the Request for Proposal on the Water System Design.  He is thinking that is would be best to just send them out to the Engineers we want to hear from.

Those being, to name a few, Goff Engineering, Souder Miller & Associates, Russell Engineering, San Juan Engineering.  It should be by invitation only asking for Qualifications and must be Project Specific in the RFPs.

Jack Wasserbach stated that the site has been seeded and top soil brought in with erosion control applied on the hillside.  He will be checking into doing and irrigation timer with hose and sprinklers.  Marsha will send in the final pay request when the receipts are given to her by Jack.

Marsha reviewed the 2011 Budget with the Board.  Revisions are to the Metering project which should be increased by $30,000.  The budget is based on the District imposing a Mill Levy for 2011 of 18.531 mills on debt of $800,000 plus 5% interest for 20 years.  Jack will get with Vicki Mattox and proceed with getting funding since the applications will not be sent in until December and will not be decided upon until about April of next year.  The mill levy will be adjusted annually.

Motion:  A motion was made, moved and passed to proceed with funding thru private sector bonds.  Jack will get with Vicki Mattox as soon as possible to begin paperwork needed.

Rex Emenegger is doing a good job with the maintainer on the roads and is cleaning up some odds and ends the District has needed to take care of at the grader site, along the R-O-Ws, repairs to the grader, hauling debris to dump, etc.  Complaints on snow removal should be made to the BOD or Marsha.

There being no further business the meeting adjourned at 8:30 PM.

Tony Rocha, Secretary