Regular Meeting – September 8, 2015

The regular meeting of the Board of Directors for the El Rancho Florida HOA, Inc. was held on September 8, 2015 at 6:00 PM at 280 Sundance Circle.  Present for the meeting were:

Jack Wasserbach – President

Rex Emenegger – Vice President

Peter Diethrich – Treasurer

Kate Pickford – Secretary

Teri Roberts – Director

The meeting was called to order at 6:00 PM.  Also present was Eric Sibelius – Irrigation Manager and Marsha Moreland, Administrator.


A motion was made, moved and passed approving the minutes of August 11, 2015 as presented.


Eric Sibelius, Irrigation Manager, stated that the ditch off.  A few items that need to be address before next irrigation season are:

  1. The Ditch Company wants to put in a 6” polyethylene liner above the shale above Terri & Don Roberts’ lot.  It should help to lengthen the season a little more.
  2. New head gate and measuring flume for the lateral at Maki’s lot (Lateral ‘D’).  If a head gate and pipe are not put in then each user will need to put in a measuring device and control.
  3. There needs to be a head gate and flume at the big pond at Pioneer Circle.

Eric gave out his Irrigation Use Report from 7/1/15 thru 9/7/15.  He briefly reviewed his report and remained for the rest of the meeting.


ACCOUNTS PAYABLEMarsha reviewed the payables with the Board and a motion was made, moved and passed to approve them.

ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE Marsha updated the Board on the outstanding accounts and will be sending out another billing in late September.

BUDGET 2016:The budget comparison was reviewed and it was decided to wait until the next meeting to decide whether or not a fee increase would be needed.  Some items discussed for the 2016 budget were:

  1. A metal roof over the shelter at the pond.
  2. Consider trash removal by PHOENIX
  3. Fee increase in the Annual Dues by 10%
  4. Adjustment of Ditch Assessment

419 RANCHOS FLORIDA DR – JUNK REPORT – The lot is cleaned up and looks much better.

2700 CR 510 – New owners are aware of the ‘SF residential’ classification in the subdivision.  Rex met with

them and was told they are re-modeling the house.

BILLING NOTICES: Mention the speed limit of 25 mph in the subdivision.  If residents see loose dogs be sure to call 911.  Reminder Homeowners to visit the web site:  elranchoflorida.org


  1. Adoption of RULE #30 to read:

“Each lot is limited to one single-family residence.  Residing in outbuildings is prohibited.”

  1. Dogs running loose – A brief discussion followed ….. Call 911 with as much information as possible.


The Contractor and Water Operator are tying in the system on Wednesday, September 9th.  An e-mail did go out to the homeowners giving them a heads up on the work at hand.  The work should be done by the 30th of September.

There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 7:15 PM.


Kate Pickford, Secretary