REGULAR MEETING – April 10, 2012
The El Rancho Florida Homeowners Association held their regular quarterly meeting on April 10, 2012, at 6:00 PM at 280 Sundance Circle, Durango, CO. Present for the meeting were:
Jack Wasserbach – President
Rex Emenegger – Vice President
Kate Pickford – Secretary
Pete Diethrich – Treasurer
Terri Roberts – Director
Also present for the meeting was Marsha Moreland – Executive Secretary to the Board. The meeting was called to order at 6:00 PM. Those present welcomed Terri Roberts to the Board of Directors.
A motion was made, moved and passed to approve the Annual Meeting minutes of February 22, 2012 as written.
In Bill Westendorfs’ absence, Rex gave a brief report on the irrigation water/ditch. There will only be 60% of the normal water available this summer. The ditch will be on May 15th. Bill asked for a message to be put on the bills notifying people that for the first 3 days no one is to pull from the ditch so that any debris can be washed on through
from the larger flow of water if no one is pulling from it. It was agreed that the old letter from Nancy Greif needs to be pulled out, copied and mailed out to everyone. For the area of the ditch running thru property owner’s lots, the owners need to clean that section of ditch.
Billing messages – Clean your ditch through your property. Trash burning NOT allowed. And a clarification on RENTALS needs to be made. The last month’s billing was a bit confusing. Marsha will copy the wording of the Amendment from the Covenants.
APPOINT OFFICERS – A motion was made, moved and passed to have Jack Wasserbach as President, Rex Emenegger as Vice President, Kate Pickford as Secretary, Pete Diethrich as Treasurer and Terri Roberts as the fifth Director.
NEW BUSINESS – The floating platform for at the pond was voted NO on by the Board due to liability issues. Gann’s Barn was approved. Pond Maintenance – A motion was made, moved and passed that Tom Biessenberger would be paid $500/mo. to do maintenance at the pond. The first cleaning would cost $800 to clear out brush and haul it away. Cleaning would be done May – August each year. The vote was 4 FOR and 1 ABSTAINING.
Heather Snow’s Rental – It was discussed that Heather continues to rent out her house while she lives in the apartment in the barn. A letter will be sent out putting her on notice. Marsha will draft the letter for review.
Jack reported that the infiltration gallery is being assessed. The Engineer is having a 15 foot trench dug to determine if there is water filtering in deeper than the current depth of the existing infiltration gallery. There is water being pumped out of it for 48 hrs. in an effort to establish if there is 75 gal/min coming in instead of the current 19 gal/min. Jack explained that there are issues that need to be addressed as far as the contact time with the chlorination of the water. There will be periods of inconvenience to the residents.
There being no further discussion the meeting was adjourned at 7:45 PM.
__________________________, Secretary