The 2012 Annual meeting of the El Rancho Florida Homeowners Association was held on February 22, 2012, 6:00 PM, at the Oxford Grange.

Present at the meeting were:
Jack Wasserbach – President
Rex Emenegger – Vice President
Kate Pickford – Secretary
Peter Diethrich – Treasurer

Members from the Metro. District Board present were:
Steve Swisher
Jack Wasserbach
Robin Boucher

Marsha Moreland, Administrator, was also present for the meeting.

The meeting was called to order at 6:00 PM.

President, Jack Wasserbach, introduced the Board members of the HOA and Marsha Moreland.  Then each Homeowner was asked to say their name and address.  Present were a total of 35 represented Lots, with 18 of those as Proxies.

A motion was made, moved and passed to approve the minutes of February 10, 2011 Annual Meeting as written.

Jack Wasserbach reviewed the past year with those present.  The HOA improved the common area at the bridge with a new solar controlled gate.  The gate lock has been vandalized several times by a vehicle ramming into it breaking the ram on the lock. Costs to repair the vandalism are currently ½ the cost of the fence.  The fencing was put in to put in place security and to deter people from coming down the slope by the road and using the pond.  The BOD had the brush cleared out, the beach had new sand added (beach sand) and expanded the beach area.  It was suggested that a brush hog be used to clear brush from around the other side so that residents can access the area south of the pond.  Nice trees offer some nice shady areas there.  The HOA also added a port-a-potty at the pond site for residents to use.  It is there for 12 months and the Association has a seasonal rate in the winter months.

Rex reported when the meetings are, where and that they are held 4 times a year.  Issues before the HOA board are:  weed control issues on lots for this year.  There was an approved barn, out buildings and the construction of a deck over a garage this past year.

Jack discussed the idea of future pond improvements and what some of the recommendations were.

  1. Expand the parking area with gravel and add boulders defining that area;
  2. Put in a horseshoe pit and volleyball court;
  3. Build a gazebo and/or put roofs over the picnic tables;
  4. Build a floating platform in the middle of the pond;
  5. Fix the road access and add trees along the river by the pump house;
  6. Benches to sit on by the river;
  7. Lights;
  8. Install a solar operated security camera with a sign stating,` Camera in use for security surveillance’;
  9. And  more sand for in the beach area.

Spending on some of the items can be quite large, and Kate Pickford, Secretary, questioned whether the generosity for those who want improvements out weights those HOA who are paying their Annual Dues to build a reserve.  She would like a feeling from those present on what is a reasonable amount to spend on improvements.  There was also a concern on whether any money would be spent on improving the common area in Unit II.  Jack explained that there is an issue with the wet lands and the Army Corp of Engineers.  Jim Belcher stated that he would like to see the common area remain as it is `naturally’ as much as possible.  Linda Boyer asked if removable umbrellas and a table on the other side of the pond is a possibility.  Scott Kadera asked about whether or not there will be a `clean up day’ again with the large dumpsters.   The Board stated they would take the suggestions into consideration.  Marsha will put on the billing messages about volunteers needed for doing improvements at the pond area.

A motion was made, moved and passed to maintain a balance of $50,000 in a reserve fund for legal issues and then any amount over the $50,000 could be spent on improvements, as long as it does not cut into the operation of the Association’s regular annual expenses.

Gary Wolt asked if there will ever be an irrigation system put in that will allow all residents irrigation water off the Pioneer Ditch.  The Division of Water Resources controls   `who’ gets irrigation project water.  Adjudicated water is in the ditch for only about one month at the beginning of the season and then it is project water.  It would be a large expense for one month of water.  There followed a lengthy discussion on the difference in `Project water’ and `Adjudicated water’.

There was open discussion on the condition of the lot at the entrance road on the north corner.  The HOA Board would like to approach the County about the County Code and the activities that are happening at that lot.  Jack and Rex will make some calls first and investigate the issue of zoning.

A motion was made, moved and passed to nominate Teri Roberts to the Board of Directors for a 3 year term.

BUDGET 2012:
After reviewing the budget proposed it was agreed by the BOD not to impose a fee increase in the Annual Dues for 2012. The Budget was approved at the previous meeting of the BOD.

Steve explained that it takes about 9 hours to plow and/or grade all the roads in the subdivision.  It has been a light year as far as snow this winter about ½ of the normal snowfall.  In the 2012 Budget for the Metro. District there is about $25,000 budgeted for more gravel and mag chloride on the roads this Spring.

The Water System Improvement Project has taken been taking more time in the design phase.  The BOD has tried to get as much free funding as possible.  The District secured a loan with CWAPA of voter approved $1.4 million at 2% interest.  The BOD have been doing all they need to do to proceed.  The State came in and re-classified the system from a `ground water’ to a `ground water under the influence of surface water’ system.    That being the case, by Jan.1, 2013 a new pump house/treatment plant needs to be completed and on line.

The two months before Christmas there were 4 main line breaks that had to be fixed.  Due to those breaks there was a lot of air in the lines causing concern by the residents.  In addition to that, the infiltration gallery, this time of year, is not producing as much water as it has in the past.  It is planned to have the Improvement Project bid out in late June with the pump house/treatment operational by December.  Treatment costs were not a part of the CWAPA loan and will be paid for with Capital funds.

There will be upgrades to the mains in the subdivision as well as isolation valves put in to aid in repairs and new meters/services.  All of the work on the distribution lines, valves, pump house and meters will be paid for from the bond with CWAPA.  The Metro District will keep the residents informed as progress occurs.

Jack thanked all those in attendance for coming to the meeting.  There being no further discussion the meeting was adjourned at 7:48 PM.