The Annual meeting of the El Rancho Florida Homeowners Association was held on February 12, 2008, 6:30 PM, at the Faith Community Church of the Nazarene, 1400 U.S. Highway 172. Board members present at the meeting were:

Rex Emenegger – Vice President

David Shultz – Treasurer

Peter Diethrich

21 Lots were represented at the meeting, 7 of which were by proxies. Marsha Moreland, Administrator, was also in attendance. The meeting was called to order at 6:30 PM. Rex Emenegger, Vice President, chaired the meeting in the absence of Jack Wasserbach, President. Notice of the meeting was mailed to each Homeowner along with a copy of the Budget for 2008, Minutes of 2007 Annual Meeting , Agenda, listing of the Board of Directors, Proposed Amendment to the `Defination of Use’, D-1. of the Covenants and a Proxy form. The meeting was also published in the Durango Herald.


A motion was made, moved and passed to approve the minutes of February 20, 2007 Annual meeting.


The ‘Amended and Restated Declaration of Protective Covenants’ of El Ranchos Florida Subdivision, Units I and II were passed this past year after 2½ years of laboring over special meetings and work sessions. 89 lots voted and 44 didn’t vote. There were 78 lots voting YES and 11 Lots voting NO.

Enforcement issues were over parking on the streets, garbage cans, etc. The Board also approved a barn and a garage construction plans and placement.

The irrigation ditch is monitored by our Ditch Walker, Bill Westendorf. He did a great job for the Association last year. The Association is considering leasing more water from the farmers that do not use it along the ditch. Everyone can use the water but it is up to the Homeowner to put in piping to get access to it.

There are 6 lots who will receive credits on their annual billing this year. They were assessed for project water that do not receive it.


An amendment to the newly approved covenants is proposed to the ‘Defination of Use, D-1.

‘All lots in the Subdivision will be known, described and used as residential for single family dwellings only. A single family occupancy is defined as a shared occupancy by the owner or their renters, and their parents, siblings and dependents. All renters shall be 21 years of age or older.’

A motion was made, moved and passed to approve the proposed amendment to the Covenants in D-1. ‘Defination of Use.’ as stated above.


Kate Pickford and Rex Emenegger are up for nomination by the Nominating Committee, David Shultz and Peter Diethrich. There were no nominations from the floor received.

A motion was made, moved and passed to appoint Kate Pickford and Rex Emenegger for terms of 3 years each.


Rex Emenegger presented a petition for anyone to sign that would like to see the speed limit increased on C.R. 510.


The question was asked of those present if they wanted another Clean Up Day? It was suggested by Terri PAGE 2 – ERF HOA ANNUAL MEETING MINUTES OF FEB.12, 2008, CONT.

Roberts to have the event every 5 years, rather than every year. Last year the cost to each lot was $35/ea. A discussion followed on the Pros and Cons of the event. Concerns were:

1. Only residents of the subdivision should be allowed to participate. Better monitoring of the use of the dumpsters by the Board.

2. Absolutely NO slash dumped. The slash fills the dumpster too fast and leaves a lot of air pockets. Doug Stone volunteered to help on the next Clean Up Day with the breaking down of trash prior to depositing in the dumpsters.

BUDGET 2008:

The 10% increase allowed in the Covenants annually was taken for 2008. It was the recommendation of the Association’s Attorney to build a reserve of $50,000 in case of legal enforcement of the Covenants. This is the goal of the Board which will be done over a period of 10-15 years.

A motion was made, moved and passed to approve the Budget for 2008.


It was explained by the Board that the Pioneer Ditch is monitored by Bill Westendorf and he regulates the use by those along the ditch. Clarity was given on the use of Project water versus Adjudicated water. Rex discussed future plans for the capturing of water by the Association for use by all the Homeowners. It is certainly in the early discussion phase at this time.

METRO. DISTRICT BUSINESS: (John Krispin – Vice President)

1. ROADS: The grader went into the ditch during a blizzard and no snow plowing was done this winter for 4 days. It was suggested that the use of delineator posts be encouraged. The Metro. Board contracted with Rathjen Construction to plow during those 4 days to open up the roadways. There were also 4-5 residents who did plowing on their own that need to be given a big Thank You!

2. WATER SYSTEM IMPROVEMENTS: It was explained by John that an Engineer needs to be contracted with to do a Water Improvements Plan that will cover a period of 5-15 years. The Board needs to have an amount needed for the improvements and how they plan to fund the project. Grants will also be applied for through DOLA (Division of Local Affairs). An ‘Impact Survey’ will need to be completed first prior to applying for grant money.

Rex stated that a mill levy of 3 mills would add approximately a 4% increase in the property taxes over a period of 20 years. That would be approximately $137/mo. on a homeowners’ mortgage payment. The mill levy is based on the property value of the lot and the development, if any. The lots represented at this meeting were leaning more towards assessing a mill levy to fund the improvements, however, the main discussion was to increase the ‘storage’ capacity of the water system as soon as possible.

It is not the intention of the Metro. Board to place a ‘burden’ on any homeowner that is not ‘equally’ shared over a set period of time. Improvements are planned to be done in phases and funded likewise. They have made no decision as yet whether to fund the improvements by use of a mill levy or through monthly assessment on the water bills for a low interest loan to fund the project. John Krispin stated that the Homeowners will be kept informed on the improvements, cost, and funding as the Board has new or updated information to give them.

There being no further discussion those in attendance were thanked for their interest and comments. The meeting adjourned at 8:30 PM.

