REGULAR MEETING – September 5, 2012

The El Rancho Florida Metropolitan District Board of Directors held their regular monthly meeting on September 5, 2012 at 6:00 PM at 755 E. Second Avenue, Suite 2A, Durango, Colorado.  Those board members present at the meeting were:

Jack Wasserbach – Vice President
Tony Rocha – Secretary
David Ships – Treasurer
Robin Boucher – Director

Also present at the meeting were: Rick Johnson- San Juan Engineering, Marsha Moreland – Administrator to the Board and Robert Ludwig – Water Operator.  The meeting was called to order at 6:00 PM by the President.

A motion was made, moved and passed to approve the minutes for August 1, 2012.

WATER REPORT: (Monthly system update)
Robert Ludwig reported that there were no leaks and all the meters are working.   He is keeping a 2.5 ppm chlorine level now.   The tank overflowed at 25’, by mistake, for 3-4 hours.  The pump house is keeping up with the use for now.  The third week in September the use should start to slow down.  Robert would like to look at 10% replacement in meters, 20 meters, at $50/meter.  It would run about $75/meter for replacement and labor.  Robert recommended reading the meters from May thru October as appropriate for ERF.  Estimating in the winter months is sufficient since there are no leaks.

Marsha will get a water report for the BOD and Robert to review and report on at the next meeting.  It has total water pumped plus water sold.

Rick Johnson informed the BOD that the construction of the pump station is moving along nicely.  The pump house will have asphalt shingles with the siding at this time going vertical since it is less expensive.  It will be hardy plank siding with a 12” overhang on the roof eaves.  The building is 9.5 feet tall.  The Board asked Rick to have the siding priced at being installed horizontal vs. vertical. They feel it would look better down by the pond if the siding was done horizontally.  The door will be facing east and will be a 3’ x 6’ door (standard door).  The building is designed at R20 insulation for the walls.  The BOD wants a lighter brown color for the paint.  Paul O’Neal needs the account for the Pump House internet line.  Marsha will contact Paul and give that to him.

Bidding will be on September 9th for local contractors only.  The District should have State approval by September 14th.

There were NO Western Willow Fly Catchers found with the Environmental Survey that was done. There was a modification to the permit that was required.  There will be 6’ high fencing with 18” of barbwire at the top around the infiltration gallery.

Tony will be working with Cynthia Stengel and Marsha on the application.  Tony can call Ken Charles with questions as to an income survey.

1.    Marsha reviewed the A/R report with the BOD.  No shut offs have been done for months now.  Most people make an honest effort to keep on top of their water bills.
2.    Accounts payable were discussed and reviewed.  Marsha gave a report on the Capital Improvement Fund balance as $344,532.  When the project gets going it will be important to do the Pay Requisitions timely.

A motion was made, moved and passed to approve the payables listed.

3.    Budget 2013 – A motion was made, moved and passed appointing Marsha Moreland as the District’s Budget Officer for the 2013 Budget.  Marsha will have a DRAFT for the next meeting’s discussion.  She asked for Robert and Rick to give her numbers for treatment and maintenance for the DRAFT for next month’s meeting.

Robin reported that a new wing box for the grader has been installed.  The grader might possibly need new tires before the winter.  Chains look OK for winter.  The water truck has been taken to Kurt’s Repair.  Marsha asked if ‘markers’ needed to be posted at hydrants, driveways, boulders, etc.  It is a good idea but Rex pretty much is aware were everything is located.  Robert agreed to help with shoveling out the hydrants for winter access.

There being no further discussion, the meeting was adjourned at 7:50 PM.
Tony Rocha, Secretary