April 10, 2018

Regular Meeting – April 10, 2018

A regular meeting of the Board of Directors for the El Rancho Florida HOA, Inc. was held on April 10, 2018 a t 6:00 PM at 280 Sundance Circle. Present for the meeting were:

Rex Emenegger – President
Eric Sibelius – Vice President
Pete Diethrich – Treasurer
Wendy Ludgewait -Secretary
Paul Valdez – Director

Also present was: Marsha Moreland, Administrator.


A motion was made and passed to approve the minutes of the March 13, 2018 regular meeting.


1.     ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE:  Total receivables are $1,144.57 of which $ 529.41 is delinquent from 2017.

2.     ACCOUNTS PAYABLE:   A motion was made and passed to pay the bill from Tracy Cross, attorney for $ 617.75.  The Board discussed the bill from Pioneer Ditch Company (PDC) for the 2018 Maintenance fee of $1,650 and the 2018 Adjudicated Water Delivery Fee of $1,240.48.  The Board directed Marsha to pay the Adjudicated Water Delivery Fee for 2018.  The payment of the Maintenance Base Fee will be reviewed by the attorney.   The board agreed to double up on the Bob’s Johns and the Phoenix Recycling bills to avoid late fees.

3.     LITIGATION WITH PDC:   After a brief discussion on not receiving a response from the PDC on the latest redlined agreement submitted by the HOA, a motion was made and passed to hire a water attorney to represent the HOA in the litigation against PDC and to ‘withdraw’ from County Court and proceed to ‘District Water Court’ on all further litigation.  A recommendation on attorneys will be sought from Tracy Cross.

4.     BUILDING ‘JOINT’ PURCHASE:   Rex updated the board on the joint purchase of a storage building to be used as an office and meeting room by the HOA and Metro District.  He reviewed the costs. The Metro District is still undecided as to the building and do not want it to be used for parties or other activities of the residents.  They are concerned about the security of the District’s files. The Metro Board wants it to be used only for meetings of the Board of Directors of both boards.  A motion was made and passed to purchase the building and allocate ½ of the estimated $24,000 cost.

5.     COUNTY PLANNING ON ZONING:   Rex sent another letter to the county planners objecting to the reclassification of the “tiny house development” property across CR 510. He also requested that the County correct their ‘colored’ zoning plat for El Rancho Florida Subdivision to reflect its Agricultural/Rural Residential classification.  It was rumored that the “tiny house development project” had been withdrawn. Pete agreed to follow up with the planning department.


1.     There are new owners of 710 Ranchos Florida Drive – Chris & Crickett Holmes.

2.     Properties for Sale:  Peterson – 111 Valley Place and Rocha – 135 Ute Place (vacant lot)

3.     Pioneer Ditch Company’s Annual Meeting – Rex reported that there was a large turnout of both project and adjudicated water users from the HOA. The PDC unsuccessfully attempted to prevent any discussion unless offered ONLY by proxy specified stockholders.  Requests to discuss the annual budget and the fee assessments for 2018 were denied.  Most discussion items were declared confidential due to the litigation by the HOA over ditch maintenance items. The meeting was unorganized and primarily run by the administrative secretary. The annual budget and 2018 fee assessment was passed as only “provisional”.   The HOA board then discussed the additional maintenance fees charged to individual adjudicated water users by PDC.

4.     Angelica Mc Beaths’ request to update the pond furniture – The HOA and Metro District do not provide beach furniture.  All furniture has been ‘donated’.


1.  ALL property owners are requested to clean the portion of the ditch that crosses their property.

2. The irrigation water allotment for this season is predicted to be low.

3.  Residents are reminded that the fire danger this summer is VERY HIGH.


The meeting adjourned at 7:05 PM.

Wendy Ludgewait, Secretary