REGULAR MEETING – August 12, 2008
A regular meeting of the El Rancho Florida Homeowners Association was held on August 12, 2008, 6:00 PM, at Rex Emenegger‘s house. Present at the meeting were:
Jack Wasserbach – President
Rex Emenegger – Vice President
Kate Pickford – Secretary
David Shultz – Treasurer
Peter Dietrich
Bill Westendorf, Ditch Walker and Marsha Moreland, Administrator was also present for the meeting. The meeting was called to order at 6:05 PM.
A motion was made, moved and passed to approve the minutes of July 8, 2008 as submitted.
Bill Westendorf explained that the ditch has been `on call’ since July 3, 2008. He calculates that there will be water in the ditch thru September. He was happy to report that there are no leaks in the ditch and that it has been a good summer irrigation season. The HOA is interested in any water rights that someone (a Rancher) might have available to sell or lease out for next summer.
A motion was made, moved and passed to approve the payables as signed.
August 26th – the Intergovernmental Agreement needs to be sent to the Count for sharing expenses of the November election. Marsha is the Designated Election Official.
September 3rd. – Metro. Board needs to either approve the Election Resolution OR cancel with the Clerk’s office.
September 5th. – The Ballot Content needs to be certified to the County Clerk.
The Metro. Board is proceeding with the addition of another water storage tank to bring the capacity closer to the fire code requirements. They have received bids and will be moving forward for completion by fall of 2009. A DOLA Grant has been applied for if the grant is not received then a Special Assessment will need to be collected to pay the short fall of $21,000.
A motion was made, moved and passed that the HOA Board needs to work harder to inform the property owners of the needs of the water system and the options available for financing the projects. Meetings in September and October need to clarify the ballot issue and that the mill levy is charged only on the amount spent of the 2 million bond.
There being no further business the meeting adjourned at 7:45 PM.