REGULAR MEETING – February 5, 2014
The El Rancho Florida Metropolitan District held their regular monthly meeting on February 5, 2014 at 6:00 PM. The regular meeting was attended by the following Board members:
Steve Swisher – President
Jack Wasserbach – Vice President
David Ships – Treasurer
Robin Boucher – Secretary
Also, present for the meeting were: Gary Skiba, Property Owner, Rex Emenegger – Grader Operator; Robert Ludwig – Water Operator, and Marsha Moreland – Administrator. The meeting was called to order at 6:00 PM.
A motion was made, moved and passed to approve the Minutes of January 8, 2014 as submitted.
A motion was made, moved and passed appointing Gary Skiba to fill the vacancy on the board of Tony Rocha. Gary’s position on the Board is up for election in May for a two year term. The Board thanked Gary for his interest and availability to serve. The NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT will be sent to DOLA along with the minutes so stating his appointment as a matter of record.
A new chlorine auto prime pump was installed for $170, there are two pumps that work the system.
There was a meeting w/Leslie Heintz of DOLA with Robert and Jack. The meeting went well. She had received a map of the system from Robert that identified the areas of concern. She now has a much clearer understanding of the distribution needs of the District. Another meeting will be in March with the review board via satellite at the La Plata County Fairgrounds. It will be a 5 minute presentation by Jack.
Amy Huff is doing a final on making the abandoned well absolute. The airport development will definitely have an impact on El Rancho Florida. Robert and Amy need to have a meeting to get all the water rights solidified. Water rights have not been tied to the infiltration gallery. Tom Fiddler explained the need for ERF to have a Ditch walker to monitor use of the ditch water.
Jack found a leak west of Donna Edwards and had Bonds Construction come out, but they could not find it. The infiltration gallery is drawing down from 40 gpm to 20 gpm and could be a concern this summer if the ground water level reduces. The tank level is at 23-24 ½ feet.
There followed a brief discussion of the possibility of a tie-in to the La Plata Archuleta Water Company if they come down C.R. 510. It would be a source of water for a `back up’ plan.
BP PIPELINE WORK: Jack reported that they plan to begin work next week on Monday.
- 1. Accounts Receivable: Marsha reviewed the delinquent accounts with the board. 3 accounts received Shut Off notices and she does not anticipate a problem with owners bringing their accounts current. Dahlstrom has been foreclosed on. District should be receiving payment.
- Accounts Payable: A motion was made, moved and passed approving payment of the payables presented. (See listing)
- Election: A Call for Nominations was placed in the Durango Herald. Self-nomination forms must be received and verified by February 28th. Jack, David and Gary all requested self-nomination forms.
- CLARK WHITE & ASSOCIATES: Marsha presented the Board with the engagement letter from Clark White & Associates for Audit work for 2013. Due to time constraints, consideration of the letter was tabled until March meeting.
- HOA Annual Meeting: The HOA will be holding the 2014 Annual Meeting on February 11th at 6:00 PM with a potluck at 5:30 PM. Metro. Board members who will be present are: Steve, Robin and Gary.
- Rex Emenegger, grader operator, stated that the entrance road needs a little grading.
- The grader was taken to Kurt’s Repair and returned with the electrical not working. There was no power going to the wipers, controls, heater, no defroster & no gauges working. Rex tried turning on the lights again and all of a sudden everything began to work. Something was not wired properly. Rex is concerned that he got a bill for $907.13 after Kurt had the grader for a month, and then was returned with electrical problems. Brief discussion followed on the priority of service the District receives from Kurt. Robin will speak with Kurt on the level of service and the timeliness of repairs for the District.
- A discussion followed on the availability of having a credit card for Rex to use for purchases for the District. Steve Swisher was not in favor of the availability of a credit card for Rex because of the increase in credit card fraud. He is not concerned about Rex having a card to use but the compromising of the District’s information by unknown hackers. A discussion followed on Marsha setting up accounts where Rex can charge items and the stores bill the District. Other authorized users would be Jack and Robert.
There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 8:00 PM.
___________________, Secretary