REGULAR MEETING – July 2, 2014


The El Rancho Florida Metropolitan District held their regular monthly meeting on July 2, 2014 at 6:00 PM.   The regular meeting was attended by the following Board members:

Steve Swisher – President

Jack Wasserbach – Vice President

Robin Boucher – Secretary

David Shipps – Treasurer

Gary Skiba – Director

Also, present for the meeting were:  Rex Emenegger – Grader Operator; Robert Ludwig – Water Operator, and Marsha Moreland – Administrator.  The meeting was called to order at 6:00 PM.



A motion was made, moved and passed to approve the Minutes of June 4, 2014 regular meeting.


Robert reviewed the specs of the basic Engineering Design Plans with the Board that he received from Goff Engineering.  Goff is still in the DRAFT phase of the plans.  There will be a good number of isolation valves plus a valve at each hydrant.  All of the piping, hydrants & meters will be on the opposite side of the road where possible.   He stated that there are some `unknowns’ on line placement on Cassidy Drive.  There will be all new piping going to the tanks as well.  The line is all 8’ C900 pipe.  Robert wants to have everything for final review by the August board meeting.  Robert emphasized the importance of no heavy equipment (grader, water truck, dump trucks, etc.) being parked over the contact chamber on Ridge Place and asked that it be brought to Rex’s attention.

The Drinking Water Eligibility Survey for 2015 was completed by Robert and Jack and sent in to the Colorado Water Quality Control Division on June 26th.

SKYWERX: Nothing to update the Board on at this time.

EASEMENT WORK: Nothing to update the Board on at this time.


Marsha reviewed the handouts with the board.  There was a brief discussion on the process by which the County will collect the outstanding fees owed to the District by Dahlstrom.  Ed Murray, 382-6350, with the La Plata County Treasurer’s office stated that a resolution authorizing the County to collect delinquent assessments and the amount of the assessments are to be certified.  The fee for collection is 30% by the County and that 30% varies from month to month.  He said Bud Smith the Metro. District’s attorney would need to reference the State Statue 32-1-1101 and draw up the resolution for the County.

A motion was made, moved and passed approving the Accounts Payable listed for the month.  (See attached listing)


Rex reported the following:

  • Kim Jone’s driveway culvert is completed, she is happy and it was under budget!
  • Rex asked for approval to have one load of gravel dropped on the road to the pond.  Board gave approval for the gravel.
  • After a brief discussion it was agreed that Rex would have two loads of sand dropped at the beach area for around $1,000.
  • Ken Charles’ Drainage problems – After a lengthy discussion on the problems, the board instructed Rex to cut the ditch deeper along River Front Road on the east side, do the berm on the west side by Charles’ lot and put and 18” culvert in across River Front Road for $7,000 or less.  Rex is to spearhead the project.
  • Due to the infestation of prairie dogs into the common areas near the roadway in Unit II the Board made the following motion:

A motion was made, moved and passed to have Hawkeye Rodent Control will do 50’ from the roadway on either side of Sundance Circle and the common area to maintain the integrity of the roadway.

  • Premier Weed Control sprayed and will do it again in the fall.
  • All of the Board members and homeowners should call the County Sheriff about the speeding problem in the subdivision, County roads, and asked to be put on the ‘Hot Sheet’ for patrolling and ticketing when needed.

There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 8:00 pm.


____________________________, Secretary