Regular Meeting – July 9, 2013



The regular meeting of the Board was held on July 9, 2013 at the 280 Sundance Circle at 6:00 PM.  Present for the meeting were the following Board Members:

Jack Wasserbach – President

Rex Emenegger – Vice President

Kate Pickford – Secretary

Pete Diethrich – Treasurer

Teri Roberts

Also present for the meeting was Jennifer & Jeff Wester, Homeowners and Marsha Moreland, Executive Secretary to the Board.  The meeting was called to order at 6:00 PM.  Teri Roberts was out of town.


Minutes: A motion was made, moved and passed to approve the minutes of April 9, 2013 – Regular meeting as submitted.


Wester Complaints:

Jack explained that he and Rex had met with the Westers about one week ago and heard the following concerns:

  • Their cul-de-sac does not move the trash cans off the street as the Covenants call for.  They are to be moved 50 feet back from the street.  Those in violation are Thomas, Archuleta and McMullen.
  • Tom Biessenberger,  at 1088 Ranchos Florida Drive, has a shed that is `unsightly’ from the Wester’s back deck.  Kate and Pete will go and look at the shed and report back at the next meeting.
  • There are junk cars that appear to be inoperable along with other junk:  a welding table, ladders, pipe tires, cans, etc. all in the front and driveway  at the lot of Tom Hamilton, 138 Cassidy Drive.  Jack and Rex will visit with Hamilton and report back at the next meeting.
  • More than 10% of the trees have been cut on some of the lots.  Jack explained that the `defensible’  space considered by the Insurance Companies is 30 foot radius from the house.  The Covenants should be revised to consider the 30 feet requirement.


Marsha will also note on the back of the Metro. District water billings that the trash cans need to be moved back 50 feet off the side of the road, that `junk’ needs to be removed out of sight of the neighbors and improvements to lots (sheds, fences, construction) need to be approved by the HOA first prior to construction.


Ditch Report:

The water is now only Project Water that is allocated.  The Subdivision only received 33% of the water allocated to it this season.  There just has been no water to be received by the ditch users this season.



  • Accounts Receivable Report:  The 2nd billings for the HOA dues will be going out soon with Notice of Intent to File Liens.
  • Accounts Payable:  Motion was made, seconded and passed to pay the A/P presented.
  • Budget 2013:  Marsha reported that the cost to offer credit card processing for the HOA dues really is not paying for itself.  There are about 30 homeowners that use the service and it is costing the HOA about $ 239.40/year minimum plus transaction fees to do so.  The Board discussed cancelling the service at the first of the year or charging a fee to those who use the service.


Metro. District Updates:

  • Water System – Jack reported that so far all is going well but that if the water table continues to fall then there could be concern about the supply of water running out due to the hot, dry weather.  He encourages all to use only what is needed for domestic use.  There are no restrictions in place at this time.
  • Roads – The Metro. Board did hear from a company that offers an application that could be used on the roads that should hold up better than gravel or asphalt.  They need more information but the cost is expensive but would last 10-20 years depending on the rate of the application mix used.  The base for the roads would need to be built up again with would more than likely double the costs involved.

Old Business:

Teri Roberts did speak with Kim Jones about the number of horses allowed on her lot.  It does appear that there aren’t as many there all the time now.

New Business:

  • HOA would like to plant some trees in the common area by the pump house.  More discussion to follow.
  • Could be some money to do reclamation at the area north of the bridge.  Rex will be going to speak with Ken Charles about what is involved.
  • Kate reported that it would cost approximately $250 to redo the canopy over the picnic table with new shingles.
  • There appear to be four wheelers that are running around in the common areas.  More discussion on that in the next meeting.


There being no further business the meeting adjourned at 8:00 PM.  August 20th will be the next meeting date in order to have a quorum of the board.


Kate Pickford – Secretary