Regular Meeting – March 11, 2014
A regular meeting of the Board of Directors for the El Rancho Florida HOA, Inc. was held on March 11, 2014 at 6:00 PM at 280 Sundance Circle. Present for the meeting were:
Jack Wasserbach – President
Rex Emenegger – Vice President
Kate Pickford – Secretary
Also present for the meeting was Marsha Moreland – Executive Secretary. The meeting was called to order at 6:00 PM.
A motion was made, moved and passed to approve the minutes of February 11th Annual Meeting as Amended and January 14, 2013 Regular meeting as written.
Rex spoke with Jessica at Pioneer Ditch and had asked her for a few things:
- How the Fee assessment is calculated – $150/User Maintenance Fee, $5/ac.ft. of Project water and $8/ac.ft. of Adjudicated water.
- Minutes – She sent last year’s Annual Mtg. Minutes.
- Liability coverage (copy of policy) and list HOA as additional insured. Pioneer Ditch may need to be listed on HOA policy as well.
- Website – They do not have one.
- HOA will be nominating a Board member for the Pioneer Ditch
She responded by e-mail with her responses in blue above. Nora Miller, Gail Beach, Victor Schulthesis, Rod Humble, Eric Sibelius and Rex were at the meeting. Lemon is 44% now and will be 100% full by the irrigation season so there should be plenty of water according to Pioneer Ditch. They hired Shumway as their Ditch Walker. The Annual Maintenance is budgeted for $4,000 and $2,000 for weed maintenance. There was discussion about the breaches in the ditch at Couch’s and Dan Ruff’s. Cost for fixing the pipe at Rusty Cleveland’s is about $2.500. Insurance is budgeted at $1800, which includes D&O coverage. Eric Sibelius was elected as Board member.
There was discussion about the HOA budget on maintenance and what is billed to users of the ditch. There is a surplus of about $1700. A motion was made, moved and passed to charge NO Ditch User Assessments for 2014. Rex will do up a letter explaining the overage and who is responsible for maintenance of the ditch and its laterals. It was agreed that the HOA should not be spending money cleaning laterals. That is the responsibility of the homeowners along the lateral.
- No unlicensed or expired licensed vehicles allowed on the properties.
- The HOA board is soliciting comments on the DRAFT of the Covenants and R&R.
- HOA board checked w/Attorney and there is NO reserve fund requirement by law.
- The amount of the Transfer Fee should be reasonable, say $100.
A motion was made, moved and passed to lower the Transfer Fee to $100 for Buyers in closing on the property.
It was agreed that Jack will go by and visit with the Westers.
The rate for the Annual billings is: $120/lot LESS $8.00 credit from last year.
There will be NO Ditch User Fee this year.
Based on advice from the HOA’s legal counsel the income of the HOA should be operational income and that there is not a need for a reserve fund for Capital expenses or legal. This information is a follow-up from a motion made at the Annual meeting regarding how much needs to be in the ‘reserve fund’.
After a brief review of minor changes to the policies adopted earlier and correction in spelling errors the following motion was made.
A motion was made, moved and passed to amend the policies as discussed allowing for installment payments of delinquent accounts in Policy #6 and correction of spelling errors and minor deletions that do not apply to the HOA.
The first DRAFT of the Covenants revision was reviewed. There will be more revisions to come at next month’s meeting.
- A motion was made, moved and passed approving the plans for Nichole Fox’s goat shed for their daughter’s 4H project.
- A motion was made, moved and passed approving Julie LaBadie’s garage plans that she submitted for review by the Board.
- Lots listed for sale in the subdivision are: Heather Snow, Wendy Miller, Palmer’s, Patrick Garey, William Mitchell, Chatfield’s vacant lot and the Herzog’s.
Nothing really to report at this time other than the Board is just waiting on DOLA’s response on the grant application.
There being no further business the meeting adjourned at 8:30 pm.
______________________________, Secretary