The El Rancho Florida Metropolitan District held their regular monthly meeting on May 7, 2014 at 6:00 PM. The regular meeting was attended by the following Board members:
Steve Swisher – President
Jack Wasserbach – Vice President
David Ships – Treasurer
Robin Boucher – Secretary
Gary Skiba – Director
Also, present for the meeting were: Rex Emenegger – Grader Operator; Robert Ludwig – Water Operator, and Marsha Moreland – Administrator. The meeting was called to order at 6:00 PM.
A motion was made, moved and passed to approve the Minutes of April 2 Regular meeting and April 29, 2014 Special meeting as submitted.
Robert Ludwig reported that the lines were flushed and in doing so dropped the tank level down 3 ½ to 4 feet. There were no complaints received during the flushing process. A there are a couple of hydrants that may need replacement along C.R. 510. There are a couple of meters that may be leaking which Robert will check out this month. The system is running well.
Skyworks wants to put a tower on the tank. They will present their proposal next month after Robert determines if the tank will hold 300 lbs. on top of it.
Steve Harris with La Plata Archuleta Water District would like to have a discussion with the Board regarding a backup water tap for the District. It would appear that if that the District’s booster pump station would need upgrading. There will be more discussions in the future.
Jack and Robert will be having more discussions with Leslie in upcoming months regarding the next steps with the grant.
Bruce Honisch has the final bid documents ready for the State to approve. The cost to bid out the project will be roughly $5,000.
There are no more requirements to be met with CWAPA and we are good to go.
- Accounts Receivable – Marsha will be speaking with the County Accessor on Dahlstrom’s past due amounts to see if they will help in collections thru the county taxes.
- Accounts Payable – A motion was made, moved and passed approving the payables as listed.
- Director’s Oaths – Marsha presented the elected officials their oaths which were read aloud and signed by Jack Wasserbach, David Shipps and Gary Skiba. The Oaths along with the Director’s Bond will be filed with the State.
ROADS: (Rex Emenegger’s Report)
- The roads are all graded and look pretty good.
- The water Truck may need a new clutch, or perhaps just adjusting it will work. Kurt’s Repair will coming out to take a look at the clutch to determine if it is the clutch or if there is a problem with the transmission. The Board gave Rex their approval to go ahead with the assessment by Kurt and if need be have the grader towed.
- Culvert at Ruff’s was replaced by Steve Ashburn.
- Beach Area – Rex said that Ashburn suggested digging down 1-1 ½ feet and pull out the large rocks. The put sand along the E end of the area to the other side of the pond. Estimate for the work is at $1,300-$2,000. (The estimate is for regular sand not ‘beach’ sand) A motion was made, moved and passed to have Ashburn do the scope of work not to exceed $2,000 without board approval.
- Ken Charles’ culvert –A new culvert would be put in with the dirt from the excavation of the pipe to build a berm around the corner by Ken’s lot. Rex will get an estimate from Ashburn Construction.
- Jone’s driveway drainage – Rex will also get an estimate from Ashburn to do work on correcting the drainage issues at Kim Jone’s driveway and the road going to the pond.
- Forest Scapes did a great job at the pond area with the trees. They would like to clean up the west side of the pond and make a really nice looking park area for the subdivision. Rex will get an estimate on those costs.
- Rex asked if a couple of days a week at 12/hrs./day to work on the roads would be acceptable. He would not be touching the roads where the mag application was placed.
- The Board gave approval to haul off the debris down by the pump house that Robert Ludwig does not need or want there.
- Prairie dogs can be managed for $3/hole. The Board gave approval to control the prairie dogs .
- Rex needs to purchase some fluids for the equipment, a tool box and miscellaneous items to have on hand for around $200. Board approved.
There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 8:15 PM.
_____________________________, Secretary