Metro April 6, 2016
REGULAR MEETING – April 6, 2016
The El Rancho Florida Metropolitan District held their regular monthly meeting on April 6, 2016 at 6:00 PM. The following Board members attended the meeting:
Steve Swisher – President
Robin Boucher – Secretary
David Shipps – Treasurer
Jim Belcher- Director
Also, present for the meeting were: Robert Ludwig – Water Operator, Rex Emenegger – Grader Operator and Marsha Moreland – Administrator. The meeting was called to order at 6:00 PM.
A motion was made, moved and passed to approve the Minutes of March 2, 2015 regular meeting as submitted.
There were no violations with the Sanitary Survey done by the State on the treatment plant last month. Pump #2 failed due to a bearing issue. It was replaced with a 7.5 HP Gould pump. The meters were estimated with ½ million gallons produced. Fisher and O’Quinn’s pins were set on the property that had been removed by the contractor. One pin on the Fisher’s property was removed years ago and could not be replaced unless a survey was done and the District is not responsible for that pin.
Accounts Payable – Marsha reviewed with the Board the payables presented. A motion was made, moved and passed to approve the payables for March and the check for the pump replacement by AAA Plumbing.
Accounts Receivable – The delinquent accounts listing was mailed to the Board prior to the meeting. There followed a brief discussion as to Shut Offs and the foreclosure that is taking place in May.
Election Cancellation: The members elected will be sworn in at the May meeting and officers appointed.
- Rex went over his road report with those present.
- Prairie dogs will be taken care of again this spring with a $2,000 budget. Rex will contact Hodiak to get on their schedule for doing the common areas and roadways.
- BID PACKAGE– The board is asking for prices on multi-year renovation on the roads. Robin met with Trautner and it was decided that the only areas needing boring are Valley Trail and Valley Place. He will do up his recommendation on material and where it needs to be placed this spring for the next meeting. Because of the amount of clay in the gravel in the ditches, Trautner did not recommend reclaiming the gravel from the ditches for on the roads. It was agreed that Goff Engineering will oversee the road improvements and will require performance bonds from the contractor(s).
- Common Areas – Weed spraying will be done again this spring. Rex will do the bar ditches and he will get a quote from Horizon to do the common areas, infiltration gallery and the area by Dickenson’s lot (Chung’s) or the ‘people’s park’ as Rex calls it. He will also see if Ashburn can cut the willows down in the areas that are agreed upon by the board. Steve will do a walk thru of those areas discussed for a decision in May as to who will do the spraying
- There are some road signs that need to be replaced. Rex is to check with the County to see if we can get some from them.
- Review the remainder of the areas (cul-de-sacs) were water line improvements need to be done yet. (Sundance Circle and all cul-de-sacs)
- Research where Pioneer Ditch is getting the information on 1.5 Ac Ft. of water they are charging the District for. The District does not own any project water in the Pioneer Ditch so should not be billed for Pioneer Ditch dues.
- BP Amoco clean up yet?
There being no further discussion the meeting was adjourned at 7:35 PM.
Robin Boucher, Secretary