A regular meeting of the Board of Directors was held on April 4, 2007, 6:00 PM at 755 East Second Avenue, Suite 2B. Board members present were:
Steve Swisher – President
John Krispin – Vice President
Tony Rocha – Secretary
David Shipps – Treasurer
Jack Wasserbach
Ray Smith – Water Operator and Marsha Moreland – Administrator was also available for this meeting. The meeting was called to order at 6:05 PM.
Meter repairs are scheduled for April and Ray will do actual reads on April 20th. A pump motor went out and needs replacement. Greg Brand said the well can go on line, hopefully, in May.
Ray reported that with the tank full at 20’ of water the pump house for Oxford Place has 40-60 psi. The tank when the tank is low it has 9 psi and the house on Ridge Place will not have more pressure than the tank has when low. He checked the psi at the house there and they ranged from 35-42 psi. Adding a separate pressure system for them would not improve the situation. Turning on an auxiliary well for 4hrs/day should keep the level in the tank higher and keep their pressure more even.
Ray will be cleaning the Oxford Place pump house this month.
A motion was made, moved and passed to approve the payables submitted.
Ken Charles reviewed with those present the Grant Program and how it cycles twice a year. He stated that the Board needs to review the RFP and give Ken their comments. (See attached)
1) The State Health would grant money for an Engineering Study of $10,000. Contact person is Greg Brand.
2) The engineer needs to have a couple of tank sites to consider.
3) Grant Funding is through the Local Affairs or USDA Fund. The following would need to be outlined.
A) Design Plan of Project (Jack & Steve will work on a site analysis)
B) Financial Plan
C) DOLA is based on the income base of the District on the grant to loan ratio.
A survey needs to be done to determine the ‘direct or indirect’ impact to the Oil and Gas industry through residents of the Subdivision. ( Ie: Residents who work for LPEA, Natural Gas Companies, Govnt. Construction, etc)
David Shipps, Tony Rocha, Ken Charles and John Krispin will do a survey over the phone. Marsha will supply them with phone numbers of residents.
4) Leak Detection costs could be included in the grant application.
5) Methane testing needs to be done each year on the wells.
6) Marsha will get for Ken Charles the average use & bill for a family in ERFM
Marsha will contact George Thompson of PRIDE WEED CONTROL for weed spraying. The area north of the bridge, down by Ken Charles’ lot needs spraying badly.
John Krispin will be calling for costs on the application for 2008 and scheduling. The culvert at the Wolts’ lot needs replacing as soon as possible. Flooding onto the roadway is occurring.
The street signs on Valley Trail and CR 510 and also at Ridge Place need to be set back up after the County’s snowplowing this winter knocked them over. It is hard for people looking for those streets to read the signs.
The meeting adjourned at 7:45 PM.