REGULAR MEETING – August 7, 2013
The El Rancho Florida Metropolitan District held their regular monthly meeting on August 7, 2013. The meeting was attended by the following Board members:
Steve Swisher – President
Jack Wasserbach – Vice President
David Ships – Treasurer
Robin Boucher
Also, present for the meeting were: Ken Charles – DOLA ; Rex Emenegger – Grader Operator; Robert Ludwig – Water Operator and Marsha Moreland – Administrator. The meeting was called to order at 6:00 PM.
A motion was made, moved and passed to approve the Minutes of June 5, 2013 as written.
Ken Charles was introduced to those at the meeting and he the programs available thru DOLA that the District might be able to apply for. Jack reviewed the needs of the District and expressed an interest in applying for grants and loans thru DOLA. Needs of the District are:
Isolation valves, line upgrades, hydrants, meters – replacement of the Distribution System basically.
Ken Charles stated that the ‘Energy Impact Assistance Program’ does have money for those types of projects. The deadline for applying is in December with the hearings in March 2014. The District would need to have an Engineer’s estimate of the project by November 1st. He suggested prioritizing ‘needs’. He made the following statements as to what is need for DOLA to consider the application:
- 1/3 of the homes in ERF are with the Oil & Gas Industry.
- Standard Detail Plans for construction needed.
- RFP – a request can be done by Jack and Robert to be mailed out to 4-6 Engineers.
- The Souder Miller Study may be requested by those submitting a proposal.
- In the bid package it needs to state “NO Change Orders, Lump Sum Bids’ only.
- Ken referred the District to Kristy Culp who is the representative for DOLA in this area for technical assistance.
- The RFP should be mailed out by August 9th.
The Board thanked Ken Charles for explaining the program to those present and the deadlines.
Steve opened the discussion with Rex by thanking him for the work he has done on the roads.
He agreed with Rex that the communication needs to be better between the Board and Rex on what the needs of the District are and expectations of the Board of Directors. Steve feels it is an inherent value having Rex ‘living’ in the subdivision and available when it snows.
Rex’s concerns are:
- Because of the poor communication he feels the ‘Board’ is against him at times.
- He tries to make the roads the ‘best’ for everyone in the subdivision.
- Even thought he gives the Board a monthly report he has had no response from them regarding the statements in the report.
- The need is there for the water truck, but it is hard to find someone to drive it that has the licensing. If the Board agrees he will get his license but it will cost the District about $1,000.
- A ‘road committee’ does not get things done in his opinion because they do not communicate with him. There should not be ‘micro-management’ by the Board.
- Trying to put crowns on the roads are not important – he is trying to maintain what is there.
- There are areas where the willows are encroaching near the roadway making it difficult to plow snow in the winter.
- For $290/day he can rent a mower for cutting down the willows in the ROW.
- Board needs to be specific in a ‘contract’ with Rex on items for maintenance.
The Board thanked Rex for coming to the meeting and discussing the issues with the Board.
The State Inspection was done and went great. Tank inspection was completed by CW Divers. There is rust on the bolts on the seams in areas. Robert and Jack will be talking with the tank manufacturers about the rust. Meters are read on the 25th now for billing purposes. A 3” valve/hydrant is at the auxiliary well for filling the tank before the water is filtered in the new pump house. The valve is for exercising the well. Robert said that arrangement is OK with Tom Fiedler with the State.
Jack received an agreement of $2700 from Amoco. He had called them and told them there will be damage to the road and there needs to be a consideration for repairs to it. Jack is in the process of renegotiating an agreement to cover the concerns of the District. He will report back when he has more information.
Amy Huff told Steve and Robert that the Water Court Decree decision is forthcoming soon.
The Skyworks Network Company would like to put a satellite dish on the tank for $125/mo. access rent. A representative from their company will come to the meeting next month to discuss it with the Board.
- Accounts Payable – A motion was made, moved and passed to approve the payables reviewed at the meeting.
- Budget – Marsha reviewed the Budget Comparison with the Board. Brief discussion on the legal fees to date on Dahlstrom. All legal costs have been added to the water billing to Dahlstrom.
- Accounts Receivable – Notices sent out with letter stating Intent to File Liens would be done if payment not received.
- Audit Extension to September 30th.
Jack reported that a ‘car crushing business – metal recycling’ is going in near the intersection of Hwy. 160 and CR 225A. He asked if any comment sheet had been received by anyone or Marsha regarding the development of the property. Jack is concerned about the District’s water system and the leeching of toxins from crushing vehicles: gas, grease, oil, etc. No one received any notice of such a business coming into the District’s ‘zone of influence’.
There being no further discussion the meeting adjourned at 9:04 pm.
Robin Boucher, Secretary