Metro – June 6, 2018

REGULAR MEETING – June 6, 2018


The El Rancho Florida Metropolitan District held their regular monthly meeting on June 6, 2018 at 6:00 PM.   The following Board members attended the meeting:

Robin Boucher – Vice President
David Shipps – Treasurer
Jim Belcher – Secretary
Ken Charles – Director

Also, present for the meeting were: Karola Hanks – County Fire Marshall; Robert Ludwig and Tom Riley – water operators; Rex Emenegger – grader operator, Marsha Moreland – administrator.  The meeting was called to order at 6:00 PM.



The May 2, 2018 minutes were approved.



The La Plata County Fire Marshall, Karola Hanks, was asked to attend the Metro meeting in order to clarify the County Codes with respect to obstructions in the roadway that slows down the Emergency Responders.   The County Code requires 20’ clearance on the county road with no obstructions.  Any ‘speed restriction’ devices must first be approved by the Fire Marshall.  Rescue rigs, ambulances, fire trucks response time is delayed by the obstructions.  This has been a Code which has been in force since 2010.

She informed the Board that the barrels must be removed immediately and any signs referring to them.  She clarified that there is NO wiggle room on this code.

Karola also asked Robert to flow test the hydrants in the subdivision and list their hydrant numbers and send the information to her.  Testing every other one is sufficient.

The Board thanked Karola Hanks for attending and clarifying the County Code for the Board.



The system is running at 50gpm but Robert pumped it up to 70 gpm since residents are using more water now.  He will get the hydrant flow numbers to Karola Hanks for their response system.  Timberline check is for 3 pressure sensors on the tanks.  They are now 100% accurate.

Goff Engineering is combining both projects of the lines and hydrants into one grant application.  The Energy Impact Grant application deadline is August 1st.  The following process will be completed:

  1. BOD to approve the application in the July 11th
  2. The Project map, narrative and rough detail of the costs and the Design of the project to be completed.
  3. Statement to DOLA that the ‘match’ money is available NOW.
  4. The Agreement with LPAWC needs to be in place or at least intent language to show DOLA.
  5. Project estimate is $400,000. Better to apply for TIER 1 Grant.
  6. Good to list energy impacts to subdivision: Oil & Gas, Severance Tax, County roads, and direct employment with Oil & Gas Companies, police, fireman, contractors working for Oil & Gas companies of homeowners in District.
  7. Grant decision will be in September.

Rex Emenegger wants relief from his overage charges as the meter reader didn’t read it correctly or there is a problem with the meter.  Robert said he would put a new meter in so there is no question about the readings.  Marsha will research the readings and the overage prior to having the Board make a decision on Rex’s request.



  1. Accounts Payable – Approved.
  2. Accounts Receivable – Reviewed prior to meeting.
  3. A motion was made, moved and passed appointing Ken Charles for the vacant seat on the Board of Directors. David Shipps, Jim Belcher and Ken Charles all read aloud their Oath of Office.  Marsha will file the Oaths and Bonds with DOLA.
  4. A motion was made, moved and passed to appoint the following officers:

Steve Swisher – President
Robin Boucher – Vice President
Jim Belcher – Secretary
David Shipps – Treasurer
Ken Charles – Director

  1. Marsha explained the difference between ‘contract labor’ and ‘contract employee’. The District cannot have a contract employee serving on the Board per DOLA.  There would be a definite ‘conflict of interest’.



Rex reviewed his road report that was sent out with the Board and those present.

  1. The Mag Chloride application was not done properly. It will need to be reapplied.  Hold the check until Robin advises otherwise after the second application.
  2. Barrels and speed bumps are to be removed immediately. Rex will check with the County Road & Bridge on getting a 3 way stop sign.
  3. The Board gave approval for the tire & rim expense of $1,858 for the water truck.  Old ones will be the ‘spare’ in case of emergency.
  4. The check to Century Link was approved. Rex did not call for locates.
  5. Building/shed update: It will take 2 months to get the building up and completed.  Ken Charles will check to see if the site is in the ‘flood plain’.  Discussed digitizing files.  Ken Charles was very clear that even though they could be digitized he cautioned on discarding any hard file copies.

The meeting adjourned at 7:45 pm.

Jim Belcher, Secretary