A regular meeting of the Board of Directors for El Rancho Florida Metropolitan District was held on March 2, 2011, at 8:45 AM at the Double Tree. Board members present were:

Steve Swisher – President

Jack Wasserbach – Vice President

Robin Boucher

Also present for the meeting were: Bob Metzler with Souder, Miller & Associates; Representatives from Sugnet, Moore Environmental; Ray Smith – Water Operator and Marsha Moreland – Administrator. Tony Rocha and David Ships were unavailable for this meeting. The meeting was called to order at 8:45 AM.


Bob Metzler stated that everything from the collection chamber to the river to the pump house has the topography completed. His intention is to stay away from the existing pipe as much as possible in order to not disturb anything. The schematics he presented for discussion shows the pump house measurement with filtration at 18’ x 33’ and 10’-15’ high. He is suggesting the BOD visit some sites that have West Tech and Siemen systems. They can also go on line at westtech,.com and study the technology he is suggesting. The Siemen system is easily expandable with less water generated in the backwash system. The system is once a month acid washed and then backwashed into the neutralization tank and then pumped into a leech field. (approx.. 300 gallons) (See attached schematics) The Board members agreed to go on a tour to see some of the existing facilities in the upcoming weeks.

The floor elevation is 93’ with everything sloping away from the pump house. The road is at 95’ elevation. Two pumps would alternate with 50/gpm until the tank is full. The cylinders are filled at 4gal/min with a total of 12 cylinders in the filtration system. He figures the filters cost approximately $1500/ea. with change out of the filters for El Rancho probably every 4-5 years. He recommended budgeting $2200 for filter replacement annually. Bob tends to like the Siemens system better but both are a very good fit for the District.

Presently the new pump house uses a tablet feed chlorination system. One hour contact time is needed to meet the State requirements. The clear well volume is 14,000 gallons and the raw water chamber is about 6,000 gallons. Elevation and contact time are the big plus for being on the west side of the river.

Jeff with the Water Quality Control Division is asking for turbidity, Ph, temperature, MPA, conductivity ,etc. from the District. Ray will be ordering some testing equipment to meet those requirements. Cost for the testing equipment should run approximately $2200. Bob will go ahead with the design plan and filtration. Bob Metzler excused themselves at 9:45 am.

A motion was made, moved and passed for Ray and Jack to purchase the required equipment to do the testing needed for the State.


A motion was made, moved and passed to approve the minutes of February 2, 2011 as written.


A motion was made, moved and passed to approve the payables as listed below. (See attached)


Scott Hagman, SW Excavation, will be doing a repair for Ron Loudenberg at the leak on his side of the meter. Ray will also have Scott do the repair on the District’s side of the meter. Jack and Ray have information on dry chlorine feeders for the system.

The Monitoring and Sampling Plan is in draft form for the BOD approval. The new system will be set up to meet the classification of a ‘ground water system under the influence of surface water’ which would require a new monitoring plan.


Each service will be inspected annually for any cross connection problems. Survey needs to be done by a certified individual. The class for certification is $600 plus one week of classes. Livestock tanks and boilers are concerns of cross connection. Vacuum breakers need to be on all meters.


Inspection of the 60,000 gallon tank will cost approximately $1100. Jack feels the new tank should be inspected at the same time as well. Total cost would be around $2200. Any repairs and painting would be a result of the inspection. CW DIVERS from Farmington, NM would do it for $1100-$1500/tank. When the inspection is done the plumbing would need to be reviewed as well.

A motion was made, moved and passed to inspect the 60,000 gallon tank and have it drained completely prior to inspection.


Marsha reviewed with the BOD the listing of delinquent accounts and those that Liens are filed on and will be filed on. She also reviewed the proposed draft of the Amended Budget for 2011 after decisions are made on what improvements will be completed yet this year. There will be future discussions prior to actually amending the budget for 2011. Marsha will add to the budget an expense of $10,000 for testing in 2011.


Steve will get an estimate from Lance of BONDS CONSTRUCTION on the needs of the District’s roads and culverts. One of the culverts needing replacement is on Cassidy Dr. by the draw next to Don Robert’s driveway. A workup of costs for dust control will include: magnesium chloride, gravel, culverts and crowning the roads. Marsha reminded the BOD that they need to get more than on bid on work over $60,000.

There being no further discussion the meeting was adjourned at 10:30 am.
Tony Rocha, Secretary