Metro March 2, 2016
MARCH 2, 2016
The El Rancho Florida Metropolitan District held their regular monthly meeting on March 2, 2016 at 6:00 PM. The following Board members attended the meeting:
Steve Swisher – President
Robin Boucher – Secretary
David Shipps – Treasurer
Gary Wolt – Director
Jim Belcher- Director
Also, present for the meeting were: Robert Ludwig – Water Operator, Rex Emenegger – Grader Operator and Marsha Moreland – Administrator. The meeting was called to order at 6:00 PM.
A motion was made, moved and passed to approve the Minutes of February 3, 2015 regular meeting as submitted.
Gary Wolt reviewed his report on the Phase I of the road maintenance and improvement project with those present. (See the attached report) Alternatives are reference points within the report. Some considerations discussed were:
- The Board may want Rex to do the work on Valley Place with 1½” ABC material. The road is in very poor condition right now due to the area where the grader and trash trucks have been stuck from water line leaks and impacts from the water line improvement project line replacement trench.
- Gary stated that there is approximately 3.3 miles of road that will need to be done by contract, and that would be about 1 mile/day actual construction time.
- The Board would like to get 3 bids with the bids broken out with two options. One with the Valley Place work included and one without the Valley Place work.
- After the major repairs are completed this summer, Gary recommended that the maintenance of the roads be done on a ‘rotation’ basis. It would cost approximately $26,000 for 2” material and $30,000 for 3” material. He suggested that the phased maintenance be done annually with the same contractor that is chosen for the major repairs.
- Recommendations for bids from contractors for the mag chloride application and preparation work were DC (Aztec), Desert Mountain (Kirtland) and Genco (Olatha). The mix the County uses on their roads is 70/30 blend of mag/water and possibly some oil. Cost was at $.72/gal. Criteria for the mag work would be:
- Shaping the road and crowning it;
- Placement of ‘whiskers’ for proper depth of material applied;
- Roll testing and rolling.
- Core samples done by Trautner GeoTech to be sure it meets the bid requirements.
It was agreed that Steve, Robin and Gary will put together information for a bid package in the next two weeks. Items to be included in the bid information would be a completion date and mention that ‘no sequestering of material’ is to be done.
Rex reported that the outhouse was vandalized at the common area by the treatment facility and had to be removed and replaced by Bob’s Johns. Discussion followed as to whether there should be a porta-potty at the common area at all. It was agreed that Rex and Robin will access what driveway(s) need large rocks and report back to the Board on the costs involved.
Robert reported that the chlorine in the water is causing some rust to develop in the chlorine room of the plant, so there will be some spring cleaning that will need to be done. Hydrant flushing will be done this month of March. Water sold was 488,000 gallons with production at 492,000 gallons in February.
After speaking with Erick Worker, Robert informed the Board that the balance of the CWAPA loan could not be used to buy equipment. The remaining balance can be used for items that need to be done to ‘finish up’ the water line improvements project. That would include road impacts caused by the project and wages for the balance of the loan would be Davis-Bacon wages. Marsha will amend the budget to reflect the balance of the loan for road impacts caused by the water line improvement s project. Robert will get pricing from Ellis Construction on those costs.
Robert will also get with Bruce Honisch, Goff Engineering, on replacing the pins that were knocked out with the project last summer at the O’Quinn and Fischer’s lots.
Accounts Payable – Marsha reviewed with the Board the payables presented. It was discussed how the electric bill increased due to LPEA rate increases. This will need to be considered in the budget when it is amended. A motion was made, moved and passed to approve the payables for March.
Accounts Receivable – The delinquent accounts listing was mailed to the Board prior to the meeting. There followed a brief discussion as to Shut Offs and the foreclosure that is taking place in May.
Election Cancellation: Marsha reported to the Board that as the DEO for the election, she has posted the notice as to the election being cancelled due to not enough interested electors to run for the terms that are up for election. There were 4 terms up and only 3 self-nominations returned. Two self-nominations for 4-Year terms each and one self-nomination for a 2-year term.
A motion was made, moved and passed to approve the Resolution to cancel the election and declare candidates elected.
AUDIT 2015: A motion was made, moved and passed to accept the engagement letter from Clark White and Associates to do the 2015 Audit for $10,850.
- Review the remainder of the areas (cul-de-sacs) were water line improvements need to be done yet. (Sundance Circle and all cul-de-sacs)
- Research where Pioneer Ditch is getting the information on 1.5 Ac Ft. of water they are charging the District for. The District does not own any project water in the Pioneer Ditch so should not be billed for Pioneer Ditch dues.
- BP Amoco clean up yet?
There being no further discussion the meeting was adjourned at 7:48 PM.
_______________________, Secretary