A regular meeting of the Board of Directors for El Rancho Florida Metropolitan District was held on September 2, 2009, at 5:30 PM at 755 E. Second Avenue. Board members present were:

Steve Swisher – President

John Krispin – Vice President

Tony Rocha – Secretary

Jack Wasserbach

Also present for the meeting were David Cleric – Consultant, Marsha Moreland – Administrator and Ray Smith – Water Operator. The meeting was called to order at 5:30 PM.


A motion was made, moved and passed to approve the minutes of August 5, 2009.


A motion was made, moved and passed to approve the payables as listed below.

Russell Engineering $ 2,847.00 # 211 CAPITAL

Performance Surveying 787.00 212

Engineering America, Inc. 200,795.00 213

Trautner Geotechnical 2,032.90 214

Vital Signs 566.48 215

Russell Engineering 2,201.00 216

Kennebec Construction 38,926.00 217

Richard Vick, Consultant 1,500.00 218

Engineering America, Inc. 15,000.00 Money Order

Qwest 40.43 # 4743 O & M

Marsha Moreland 1,953.08 4744

George Leonard 36.82 4745

Jessie Brumley 264.01 4746

Floyd Smith 50.00 4747

American Water Works Assoc. 165.00 4748

Green Analytical 3,025.00 4749

La Plata Electric 521.00 4753

El Rancho Florida Metro. Dist. 15,960.00 4754

Bonds Construction 2,100.00 4755

Ray Smith 1,250.70 4756

South Durango Sanitation District 30.00 4757


TOTAL PAYABLES = $ 290,051.42


Ray Smith reported that there is a 12% deviation in gallons sold vs. purchased. The new tank filled with a residual of 2.5 and there were no leaks. Greg Brand is pleased with the project.

There is now 14 feet water level in both tanks totaling 110,000 gallons of storage.

Ray informed the Board that Kelly Maertin, 217 Cassidy Drive, pulled a bad sample and sent it to the Dept. of Health. The State agreed that it was an improper grab and the system is free of bacti. Her house is for sale.

There was discussion on putting steel doors on the pump houses, including the booster pump on Oxford Drive. Tony Rocha will have OverHead Doors give him an estimate.

Page 2 – ERFM Meeting, Sept. 2. 2009 Minutes, cont.

BUDGET 2010:

A motion was made, moved and passed to appoint Marsha Moreland as the Budget Officer for the District. A brief discussion on items to consider in the 2010 budget were:

Ÿ Refurbish the old tank at approximately $33,00 inside and out.

Ÿ Meter upgrades for about $300/ea. @ 66,000 to be done by a contractor. Meter, reader and all.

Ÿ May need to include the Water System Study if not done in 2009.


Mr. Clerici stated that the Base Line for the system study is the Davis Engineering Report. He reviewed the RFPs received by the District and had the following comments.

Ÿ Souder Miller is the most comprehensive study.

Ÿ Goff Engineering and Russell Engineering will be going off the information given to them by the District.

The goal is to run a tighter system on all levels: security, testing, line repairs documentation, etc.

Provide a procedures manual and a good record keeping system. A clear evaluation of WHERE the State Water Law is heading on compliance criteria needs to be obtained. Items that need to be provided in any report would be:

1. What we know – Annual Report on Water Quality.

2. What we don’t know.

3. What we need.

4. What is required.

The decision on the RFPs is tabled until the next meeting on the Engineering Study of the Water System.


The fencing still needs to be replaced and the area cleaned up.


Steve will talk with Greg Andruilis on what constitutes the landscaping as completed. Jack will investigate on the cost to put in a simple irrigation system for the landscaping.


George Leonard was approached by David Shipps and George did not appreciate Davids concerns about blading the road at that particular time, when it was discussed and agreed that there would be no blading of the roads unless John Krispin requested it. Donna & George both resigned and the District is looking for another operator. The Board does appreciate the job that Donna & George did for the District, however, there needs to be direction from the Board that is adhered to. The water truck needs to be winterized as soon as possible.

There being no further discussion the meeting adjourned at7:30 PM.

