REGULAR MEETING – September 4, 2013


The El Rancho Florida Metropolitan District held their regular monthly meeting on September 4, 2013.  The meeting was attended by the following Board members:

Steve Swisher – President
Jack Wasserbach – Vice President
David Ships – Treasurer
Robin Boucher – Secretary

Also, present for the meeting were:  Rex Emenegger – Grader Operator; Robert Ludwig – Water Operator and Marsha Moreland – Administrator.  The meeting was called to order at 6:00 PM.

A motion was made, moved and passed to approve the Minutes of August 7, 2013 as written.

The system is running well, according to Robert Ludwig. He now has an additional report to send into the State which is a CTL Report. The CTL Report logs the chlorine levels, which should not fall under 1.2ppm. The filters are at 15psi. Robert will change them when they are at 22psi head loss. Production vs. sold is at 95,027 gallons water loss OR 11%.

There were only 2 responses received for engineering services: Goff Engineering and Russell Engineering. After reviewing the qualifications the big difference is that Goff offers a full service engineering company rather than Russell Engineering having to sub out the surveying aspect of the work. After a brief discussion the following was decided.

Motion: a motion was made, moved and passed to award the contract for engineering services to Goff Engineering.

Motion: A motion was made, moved and passed to allow Robert to spend $8,000 to prepare the plans and specs for DOLA to be presented at the next meeting on just what the project parameters are. Robert will prioritize the needs providing delivery of the project by mid October (15th). The estimated costs for the total project are in the neighborhood of $900,000. The project will be funded between the CWAPA Loan and DOLA.

ROAD APPLICATION – JMB ROAD TECH (Soil Stabilization of Roads):
Robin, Steve and Jack met with Joe Wilkerson of JMB Road Tech on the product they use for road stabilization. The cost would run for the equipment, product, road preparation and application approximately $221,950. There would more than likely be additional expenses for building up the road base that would increase that number considerably. The product sounds great, however, the Board needs to learn more about it and consider how they would fund the application. Board members are encouraged to look at other roads completed in the area to see how the product holds up and end result of the application.

When it comes to plowing the snow off the roads, it would require a ‘riding’ edge be attached to the plow blade so that it wouldn’t gouge into the road surface. The riding edge would be similar to what La Plata County uses on their blades.

The company has decided to slow down on doing a satellite tower on the water tank until spring.

  • Accounts Receivable –
    • There are four accounts that fall within the 60 days+ category. Each one has been sent a disconnect notice and will receive an Intent to file a Lien if payment is not received.
    • Still no word from Bud Smith on what progress has been achieved on Walt Dahlston’s foreclosure proceedings. Bud is out of town right now and Marsha will call him when gets back in Durango.
  • Accounts Payable –
    • The Board reviewed the accounts payable submitted for approval. Motion: A motion was made, moved and passed approving the payables submitted. (See attached listing).
  • Audit –
    • Needs to be completed by the end of September. Since this is the first year of audit after so many of not doing one, there is a lot of detail involved and time.

The Homeowner’s Association will do a Quit Claim Deed to the Metropolitan District for the UNIT II Common Area. The HOA would like the check of $2,700 to be used on the common area maintenance. The Board agreed that is would be.

The pipeline replacement project has been slowed down due to environmental impacts. Jack is still waiting on a decision as to whether BP would be applying magnesium chloride to the roads, wetting and grading them as well (Sundance Circle and Cassidy Drive).

After a brief discussion it was agreed that Rex should rent a mower and cut down the willows along the entrance road and other areas where the willows are encroaching on the roadway.

The following were items to be included in a contract with Rex:

  • Attend the meetings and give a road report to the Board
  • Equipment upkeep and schedule regular maintenance as needed. (Oil changes, belts, cutting edges, batteries, tires, etc.) Major expense items will be approved by the Board prior to the work being done.
  • Maintain the roads year round. Snow and ice is to be pushed back off the road as much as possible to allow for build up throughout the winter months. Water and blade roads during the summer months. Routine maintenance of the bar ditches allowing for drainage of the roads and driveways.
  • Spray for weeds and mow the Bowman Tract to control growth of weeds and grass. Keep rabbit brush under control along the roadways and grass out of the bar ditches and ROWs.
  • Winterize water truck, call for delivery of fuel and maintain a level of fuel appropriate for winter snow plowing/grading in summer months.

The Board discussed that Rex is to obtain a Class “B” license in Farmington, when the class is offered, and that the District will pay for his class/expenses. It is difficult to find an operator who can work on a part time basis and make a living. Since Rex lives in the subdivision he is dedicated to doing the best job he can possibly do and the Board appreciates all of his efforts.

Marsha reported to the Board and Rex that the stated road widths in the Service Plan are 16-24 foo widths, depending on the area, with 7.5 feet ROWs.

Rex reviewed the estimate received from Tim Ellis on maintenance items for the roads. They did a 2 hour drive thru and noted what areas need gravel, drainage work, road base, gravel, etc. After a lengthy discussion it was agreed to have Tim Ellis do the following:

  • Apply 4 dump truck loads of 3/4″ on the main road between CR 222 and the bridge at a cost of $1,684.00. Cost includes hauling, spreading and rolling.
  • Haul in 3 loads of 3/4″ gravel for the entrance of Brice Place. Spread and roll and fix drainage for $1,298.00.
  • Maintenance road to the grader site add road base and fix drainage in the bar ditch to drain into field for $1,000.
  • Additional gravel hauled, spread and rolled in areas where badly needed on a priority bases: 1 load at Ute Place, 1 at Oxford Place and 1 at Biessenberger’s access by grader site. Price per load on additional gravel is at a minimum of 4 loads at approximately $365/load.

A motion was made, moved and passed that the cost of all the work by Tim Ellis is not to exceed $5,600.00.

A motion was made, moved and passed to contract with Tim Ellis at $21/hr to assist Rex with road maintenance, driving the water truck and plowing snow when needed. Tim has a Class “A” license. Rex is to get Marsha a copy of his license for insurance purposes.

Other items noted by Rex and also from the drive thru with Tim Ellis are:

  • Roads are in pretty good shape overall.
  • Need to keep the snow and ice OFF the roads in winter months.
  • Benching snow off the road and in the ditches during the winter.
  • The drainage of the roads, ditches and driveways need to be routinely taken care of.
  • Mowing of the brush and grass in the ditches and road ROWs.
  • Remove rabbit brush along the roads.
  • Clean up the grader site – remove trees.
  • Remove trees along the roadway impeding snow plowing/grading.
  • Mow ROWs.
  • Rex would like the culverts on his Mom’s property hauled away. They were dumped there by the District years ago after a culvert replacement.
  • To do the main entrance road with 3″ road base, packing and grading 1.6 miles x 2 is approximately $80,000.
  • Pull ditches.
  • Area at Oxford Place needs work.

A motion was made, moved and passed to have Rex do the following items this fall:

  • Purchase some delineator posts @ $5.50 eac. to mark cul-de-sac turns (90 degree turns in areas). 50 posts = $250.00.
  • See if Tim Ellis could haul away the culverts at Grace Emenegger’s property that were dumped there by the District.
  • Work on area at Oxford Place.
  • Clean up the grader site and access road by Biessenberger’s.
  • Mow brush and remove grass in the ROWs as much as possible.
  • In the spring, Rex is to cut and clear out the 8 dead trees by the pond area. Also at Teri Roberts and Tom Cheathams there are some dead trees that need to be cut down.

There being no further discussion the meeting adjourned at 8:45 PM.

_________________________, Secretary