Metro – September 5, 2018
REGULAR MEETING – September 5, 2018
The El Rancho Florida Metropolitan District held their regular monthly meeting on September 5, 2018 at 6:00 PM. The following Board members attended the meeting:
Steve Swisher – President
Robin Boucher – Vice President
Jim Belcher – Secretary
Ken Charles – Director
Also, present for the meeting were: Robert Ludwig and Tom Riley – Water Operators; Rex Emenegger – grader operator and Marsha Moreland – administrator were also present. The meeting was called to order at 6:00 PM.
A motion was made, moved and passed approving the August 1, 2018 – Regular meeting minutes.
Tom Riley explained that there are several broken meters that will be changed out this month. The system is running good and the pumps are keeping up. Water produced in August was 1,206,565 gallons and sold 1,121,426 gallons. Tom will change out the meter at 761 Cassidy Drive and replace it with one of the District’s meters. Marsha asked that Tom check the meters at 250 Pioneer Circle and also at 41 Ridge Place, they do not appear to be working.
The meeting with Patrick Rondinelli went very well. The application was submitted August 9, 2018. TIER 2 hearings will be November 6th, 7th and 8th. Reasons for the application are to complete the infrastructure of the water delivery system. And address better fire safety and public health. DOLA has been a part of the process in phases throughout El Rancho Florida’s history. For the hearing it is important that the Executive Director knows the District’s ‘readiness to go’ and an estimated completion time.
Steve explained to Patrick that if the District is not awarded the DOLA grant then the completion of the water system improvements with be phased in over a 10 year period. District will also be replacing the oldest tank with a new one and adding an ‘emergency’ backup hydrant for use by either La Plata Archuleta Water District or El Rancho Florida Metropolitan District in emergencies.
In 2009 DOLA loaned the District $100,000, 10 yr. loan at 5% interest, for the purchase of a new 158,000 gallon tank for $261,000. Then in 2015 DOLA granted the District with $600,000 to aid in the beginning of the Water System Improvements Project at 1.5 million dollars.
Tom Riley stated that he did call Goff Engineering and is waiting for the engineer’s response as to where they are on the design plans and cost estimated. DOLA needs to know ‘WHY’ lines are being replaced, how many hydrants will be added and how much will be ‘new’ line.
A motion was made, moved and passed approving reimbursement of travel costs for Steve Swisher and Ken Charles to Burlington, CO for the DOLA hearing on the grant application of the District.
LPAWD is still interested in the ‘agreement’ for an emergency hydrant for 300 gpm at 150 psi/minute not to exceed 50% of the tank (80,000 gallons) when drawing water. Price per 1,000 gallons and conditions will be drawn up by Floyd Smith for both District’s to review and approve.
- Accounts Payable were approved as reviewed, see attached listing.
- Accounts Receivable list was mailed out prior to the meeting.
- Steve Swisher explained that he received from David Latham a ‘request’ to access his property on Ute Tribal land from Sundance Circle. It was agreed that Steve Swisher and Ken Charles are to meet with Floyd Smith and discuss the concerns the District may have with such an agreement.
- Update – There has been no response from Jeff Wester since the District’s letter to him on his concern about the quality of the mag chloride/lignum sulfate application.
- Marsha informed the Board of Directors that the DOLA Energy Impact Loan of $100,000 is now paid off.
- Budget 2019 – A motion was made, moved and passed appointing Marsha Moreland as the District’s Budget Office for 2019. Budget items to consider will be applying mag chloride solution 2 times in 2019, water line improvement project expense and income, CTF expenses, Payroll. The Assessed Valuation of the District is $3,431,060. The assessed valuation is up by $18,290.
- Road Maintenance Update – Rex emailed his report to the board and Marsha prior to the meeting. There followed a brief discussion. The control box for the aerator was filled with a huge hornet’s nest that had to be removed and the new aerator is installed.
- Common Area Report – The Board complemented Rex and the HOA Board on how great the pond area looks. The grass seed that was put down is beautiful, such a nice addition to the area at the pond. Steve did say that is very inviting. Ken Charles is a little concerned as to ‘who’ is regulating use of the common area. The Metro Board would like to hear from the HOA as to what their ‘vision’ is for long term at the common area at the pond. It was agreed by the Board that all District employee’s time working at the common areas will be listed in the General Fund under ‘Payroll’. Rex discussed with the Metro Board that perhaps the Agreement between the HOA and the Metro District should be done away or ‘revised’. Steve will attend the next HOA meeting to discuss the Agreement with the HOA Board and the work that has been done at the pond area. Metro District Board needs clarification on a number of things at the pond area. The District has an annual budget and must stay within the parameters of the budget on anything they pay for at the common area.
- Speed Humps – Rex had mailed to the Board a copy of his letter from Aaron Mc Kelvey of the La Plata Planning Department, following up on Commissioner Westendorff’s research on the use of speed humps in the County and the Fire Department’s ability to regulate use of them. Speed Humps are widely used in the Counties all over the Country. The Fire Department does not have authority to regulate use of speed humps in El Rancho Florida Subdivision. (See attached email)
- Florida Mesa District Planning Group on this Tuesday at 6:30 pm– 8:30 pm at the Church of the Nazarene on HWY 172. They meet the 1st and 3rd Tuesday of each month, same time same place. Residents should be reminded by email of these meetings.
- Planning Commission meetings are scheduled for Oct 11th, Nov 1st, and Dec 6th at 6:00 pm at the County Administration Building, 1101 E. 2nd Ave in Durango. The Florida Mesa District Plan is on the agenda for each of these meetings.
There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 8:28 pm.
Jim Belcher, Secretary