Metro – September 6, 2017



The El Rancho Florida Metropolitan District held their regular monthly meeting on September 6, 2017 at 6:00 PM.   The following Board members attended the meeting:

Steve Swisher – President
Robin Boucher – Vice President
David Shipps – Treasurer
Jim Belcher – Director


Also, present for the meeting were: Robert Ludwig & Tom Riley – water operators; Rex Emenegger – grader operator and Marsha Moreland – administrator.  The meeting was called to order at 6:03 PM.



The August 2, 2017 minutes were approved with minor corrections.



Not reflected on the Water Loss Report was 80,000 gallons that was dumped from the tanks for inspection.  Tom Riley reported that there were 3 more meters replaced and that 10 more meters are needed in order to get all meters read accurately before winter.  The Board gave approval for the additional meters.

The chlorine pump needs replacing.  It is the original put in 5 years ago when the pump house was improved.  Tom was able to switch it out with the ‘replacement’ pump.  Cost to rebuild the pump would be approximately $800.  It will then be used as the backup pump.


The two hydrants will be replaced next week by Rex and a helper.  They will be switched out with the water not needing to be turned off.


Robert Ludwig asked that his pay be reduced by $250 and Tom Riley’s increased by the $250 since Tom is doing all the reporting now.  The change should be effective with the pay checks cut on October 1st.  All testing is caught up now.


The Board did discuss the ‘cost share’ consideration on service line upgrades.  Anyone who upgraded their line this year will be reimbursed the amount determine in the cost share program when it is implemented.


The small tank is ‘off line’ since the cover over the vent is missing.  The big tank is fine.  Tank inspections were completed and a report is forthcoming.  Robert will get costs on what it will cost to fabricate a new vent cover for the small tank.



Accounts Payable – The payables were reviewed and approved.

Accounts Receivable – Marsha reviewed the delinquent A/R with the Board.

2018 BUDGET – A motion was made, moved and passed to appoint Marsha Moreland as the 2018 Budget Officer.  Items to discuss/consider for the 2018 Budget Draft are:

  • The last payment to DOLA will be made in 2018.
  • Engineering costs for the Booster Pump Station Improvements.
  • Cul-de-sac lines upgraded with additional valves & hydrants.
  • 10 more meters for the meter upgrade program.
  • Small tank vent cover cost – $8,000-$10,000 (?)
  • Prairie Dogs in the common areas/road ROW’s where needed,
  • Tree trimming/weed cutting costs
  • Culvert cleaning/replace one by Brice Place.
  • Any cleanup of the bridge sides/concrete?

Marsha will have a DRAFT of the budget by the end of September for the Board and Staff to review.



Rex had emailed his road report to the Board prior to the meeting.  The Board agreed to have Marsha send out an email notice of a $500 REWARD given to anyone who can provide information that would lead to an arrest and conviction of the person(s) who are vandalizing the orange barrels.  The barrels will be taken down for the winter on October 1st.


Rex will have the dead trees at the pond cut down and the Russian olives as well.  There are two culverts on Cassidy Drive by Grace Emenegger’s lot that are full of mud.  The culverts really need to be ‘sloped’ in order for them to drain adequately.  Brice Place culvert, Pioneer and Ranchos Florida Drive and Valley Place culverts need to be hydro- vacuumed.



The weed spraying does have an impact on the new weed growth as seen by Jim Belcher and Robin Boucher.  The program will continue each year as determine by the Board.


There were a couple of fires set by vandals at the beaver damn last week that the Fire Department responded to.  Could have resulted in a very serious situation had it not been noticed by a homeowner when it was.  Fire Department thinks it was kids causing the fires.



The trailer and equipment were removed from the property at the corner of CR 510 and CR 222 (Apple Blossom Lane). The Board is concerned that if chemicals are on the property it could leach into the district’s ‘zone of influence’ of the water system.  Steve will follow up with Marianna Spechact with the La Plata County Code Enforcement Dept. on their findings.


The meeting adjourned at 7:20 pm with no further discussion.


Michael Arries, Secretary