News & Events


Any residents having concerns about water quality or information on the water system, please call the system Water Operator,  Tom Riley at 303-652-9070 or Marsha at the business office 970-749-2682.

If you have questions concerning the road maintenance and/or snow removal please call Marsha or a Board member.



El Rancho Florida Metro District Regular Board meeting to be held Wednesday, July 11, 2024 at 6:00 pm. at 750 Pioneer Circle, Durango, CO.

El Rancho Florida Metro District 2024 Budget Hearing was held on December 6, 2023 @6:00 PM.

prior to the regular meeting at 755 E. 2nd. Avenue, Suite OD (downstairs).

HOA  Regular meeting will  be held on Tuesday, Tuesday, July 23, 2024, 5:00 pm at 220 Pioneer Circle .

HOA Annual Meeting was held on February 13, 2024. Election of one office for a three year term was Paul Valdez.


El Rancho Florida Metropolitan District Election:  Election Officer is Marsha Moreland 970-749-2682.  

2023 Election – The District election for 2 (two) Directors for 3 (three) year terms each is cancelled due to no more candidates than positions up for election.  The following electors are on the Board for 3 year terms each.

Robin Boucher – 3 year Term
Sara Walsh- 3 year Term