November 14, 2017


Regular Meeting – November 14, 2017

A regular meeting of the Board of Directors for the El Rancho Florida HOA, Inc. was held on November 14, 2017 at 6:00 PM at 280 Sundance Circle. Present for the meeting were:

Rex Emenegger – President
Eric Sibelius – Vice President
Teri Roberts – Secretary
Wendy Ludgewait

Also present was: Marsha Moreland, Administrator.


The minutes of July 11, 2017 minutes were approved.


1.     Accounts Receivable – Delinquent accounts for 2017 fees total $4,585.

A motion was made and passed to assess a Late Fee of $50 to every delinquent account as of December 31st, 2017.

2.     Accounts Payable – A motion was made and passed approving the payables at $1,158.46.

3.     2018 Budget – There was a brief discussion on the budget.  The Board will finalize at the next meeting in December.

4.     Annual meeting is set for February 13, 2018 at 6:00 pm with the potluck at 5:30pm.

5.     Director term is up for Teri Roberts as of February 2018.


1.     Ditch Report –There was extra adjudicated water this past season.

2.     Hale/Biessenberger Irrigation Ditch Concerns – The Pioneer Ditch still has not responded to Tracy Cross’s demand letter of October 13, 2017, nor to the original notice of deficiencies of June 27, 2017.

3.     A motion was made and passed to have Tracy Cross begin litigation in County court against Pioneer Ditch. The first step in said action will be arbitration.

 4.     New owners in the subdivision:

a)      Barbara Fisher – 217 Cassidy Drive
b)      John Harper – 2616 CR 510

5.     For Sale:   Peterson – 111 Valley Place

Rocha – 135 Ute Place (vacant lot)
Barnum – 710 Ranchos Florida Drive
Wells Fargo Bank – 43 Pioneer Place
Winch – 988 Ranchos Florida Drive


1.     Building Permit – Approval for 537 Cassidy Drive breezeway connecting house to garage was approved for Cynthia Stengel.

2.     Effective December 1 the trash and porta potty services will be stopped until Spring.  There will no longer be a can for re-cycling since people continue to place non-recyclable trash in it.

4.     Cochrane’s complaint of noise from dirt bikes.  A letter will be sent to Cochranes stating that the Board has addressed their concerns and there have not been any other complaints from homeowners.  It does seem as though the bikes are quieter now and only one child seems to be riding.  The board previously requested that the Krispins put noise reducing baffles on the tail pipes.

 5.     The Board gave approval for Stephanie Dean’s loafing house.


1.     Burning of household trash is prohibited.  All outdoor burning. requires a ‘burn permit’ from the fire department.  Burn permit applications are available at  (382-6000)

2.     Annual meeting date, time and place.  February 13, 2018, Tuesday, Potluck at 5:30 pm with meeting at 6:00 the Oxford Grange – 8016 Hwy. 172.

The meeting adjourned at 7:25 pm

 Teri Roberts, Secretary