A regular meeting of the Board of Directors for El Rancho Florida Metropolitan District was held on November,8, 2010, at 6:00 PM at 755 E. Second Avenue.  Board members present were:
Steve Swisher – President
Jack Wasserbach – Vice President
Tony Rocha – Secretary
Robin Boucher

Also present for the meeting were David Clerici – Clerici Construction, Marsha Moreland – Administrator and Ray Smith – Water Operator.The meeting was called to order at 6:00 PM.  David Shipps was out of town and unable to attend the meeting.

A motion was made, moved and passed to approve the minutes of October 6, 2010 with a revision to the motion on setting a mill levy in 2011.  The motion was rescinded and no mill levy will be assessed in 2011.

A motion was made, moved and passed to approve the payables as listed below.  (See attached)

Ray Smith, Jack Wasserbach and David Clerici did do some water flow tests at the pump house.  Ray has been using the auxiliary well on the weekends only.  He is maintaining 19 feet in the tank these days.  He stated that he has a 25, 35 & 50 gpm pumps or the main source and a 35 gpm for the auxiliary well.

The meters were all read and repairs completed.  There will be problems with gofers and dirt in some of the pits but for the majority of the meters all are functional.  There was 7.387 mil. gallons produced with .6527 gallons sold.  A 12% deviation is 86,000 gallons unaccountable water.

ERFM is eligible for $1.99 million.  Payment of the loan begins with the completion of the project.  At this time fees for the customers of ERFM will remain the same in 2011.  A mill levy will be imposed in 2012 and the amount will be determined based on the loan.  An Eligibility Assessment needs to go in as soon as possible for the District.  A Statement of TMF Capacity – Emergency Plan needs to be completed as well.

The Revolving Fund is looking for Projects to loan money to but the applications must be in by December 15 and a decision is made in March of 2011.

A motion was made, moved and passed to have a supplement to the PER for Green Components in the design and construction plans.  Cost to have the supplement completed is approximately $5,000.

A motion was made, moved and passed to spend money for Green Components by Souder Miller for $3,000 to $5,000.

A motion was made, moved and passed directing David Clerici to do the application for 1.4 million dollars with CWPA Revolving Fund by December 15th.

A motion was made, moved and passed to start on the RFP’s for Pump House with Design Build Specifications on the amount of $1.4 million on the Preliminary Design Plans.

It was discussed to have Bud Smith research the water rights filings and complete any necessary paperwork.

A motion was made, moved and passed to add ‘Source Water Protection’ costs in the request for Design Build Plans.

Tony reported that the State Demographer said there was 81% participation from the District.  The Districts’ households were above $60,000 annual income which puts the District in the higher income percentage brackets.  That can have a definite impact on what funding is available for the District.

David Clerici reported that it will increase his fees by approximately $1500 to complete that application as there are reports to be attached that were not planned for.  A public hearing needs to be held notifying residents that the District is applying for the funds.  It will take 6-8 months for a decision from USDA on whether the District would get a loan (40 yr. Loan) and/or a grant.

A motion was made, moved and passed to proceed with the application to USDA for funding.

Marsha gave Jack the list that Rex Emenegger sent to her on items that have been completed and others that he suggests for completion.  Since he is back working he will be the grader operator on a part time basis.  Dick Eichthaler will be the other operator for the District who will be there when Rex is not available.  The District has spoken with Mr. Eichthaler before about grading and plowing for the District.

There is a plugged culvert at 2907 Cassidy Drive that needs cleaning.  It was suggested that the culvert be replaced with a 12” but a 24” is $230 and a 15” is $280.  Not that expensive to upgrade to a larger size.  Rex stated that he could do the work and the board is considering his offer.

The ditch that belongs to Bobby Wilderspin is over flowing because the culvert has a beaver dam that was built in it and needs cleaning out.  He will be notified that the culvert needs cleaning.

1.  The Budget 2011 is to be revised to show no capital expenditures for 2011.  Until funding is received there is no way to plan or predict a mill levy.  The budget will be presented to the public at a hearing on December 1, 2010 at 6:00 PM at 755 East 2nd. Avenue, Ste.2A.  Notice will be published in the Durango Herald and mailed to all residents of the District.

2.  Accounts Receivable Report – Marsha reported that there are several accounts that need to be shut-off and liens filed on them.  After a lengthy discussion it was agreed that Tony and Marsha will get together and work on those accounts that need liens filed.  The District cannot have accounts past due without filing liens on those 90 days in arrears without some sort of payment arrangements.  Those in arrears will be given disconnect notices and an opportunity to make payment arrangements.  It is not acceptable for accounts to not pay for what ever the reason is.

There being no further discussion, the meeting was adjourned at 9:00 PM.


Tony Rocha – Secretary