REGULAR MEETING (Re-scheduled) – October 12, 2015
The El Rancho Florida Metropolitan District held their regular monthly meeting on October 12, 2015 at 6:00 PM. The meeting had to be rescheduled due to no quorum available. The regular meeting was attended by the following Board members:
Steve Swisher – President
Jack Wasserbach – Vice President
David Shipps – Treasurer
Also, present for the meeting were: Rex Emenegger – Grader Operator and Marsha Moreland – Administrator. Board members, Robin Boucher and Gary Skiba were unavailable for this meeting. The meeting was called to order at 6:00 PM.
Minutes were not available for approval on the September 2nd meeting.
The booster pump house needs upgrading on CR 510. Robert and Jack recommend applying for a Tier 1 grant with DOLA in the amount of $100,000 for the pump station upgrades. The District would use the remaining amount of the CWAPA loan as match for the grant contract and DOLA granting $50,000. Application needs to be in by the middle of November. Upgrades would be: new pumps that will meet fire flow requirements for that area, pressure pumps and new 8” water lines. Estimated cost is approximately $100,000 with 10% engineering costs. December 15 would be the decision on the grant, with work beginning in March if grant is approved.
Water loss is decreased, water pressure is increased to the residents and operation costs are less all due to the distribution system upgrades that have just been completed. Meters will be read in October and then estimating for the winter to April. The system is in great shape, for the most part.
Marsha reported that Eric Sibelius’s Century Link junction box was hit by the contractors doing the water line replacement. Robert will go by and take a look. He thinks the cover and board with the wiring just needs to be tightened up and he will check on that this week.
Robert updated the Board on the new Treatment Rule by Colorado and stated that it just means that raw water samples will be drawn and sent in October of 2016.
Skywerz and the Board are considering other locations.
- Accounts Payable were reviewed and approved.
- Accounts Receivable was discussed. Only a couple of delinquent accounts.
- Budget 2016 DRAFT – Marsha presented the 2016 Budget DRAFT and asked for discussion on funds and the expenditures for 2016. The Board made a motion to approve a $10,000 transfer of funds from the Water Fund to the General Fund in 2016 for road repairs due to the water distribution project. Marsha stated there will be election expenses in the early part of the year for election in May for board members whose terms are expiring. Otherwise, administrative expenses remain about the same. Robert said that the testing and supplies for the Water Fund can be reduced to $1,000 each and that the other expenses will remain about the same. General Fund expenses will increase in the following items: mowing, gravel and road base to $40,000 ($10,000 from Water Fund), and re-seeding and weed spraying. Common area expenses will reduce to $5,000. Marsha will make the discussed revisions and have the 2016 Budget for the Board to review at the November meeting. The notice of the Budget Hearing and the Budget will be sent to all the property owners of the subdivision in November. Budget Hearing will be December 2nd. at 6:00 with the regular meeting to immediately follow.
- Rex informed the Board that he needs a laborer, for a couple of months total in the summer tim, to help him with culvert cleaning and other work. He wants the Board to put the laborer on the payroll for $1500 total for the summer. After a lengthy discussion the board agreed that a laborer for a couple of months will be contract at $15/hr. with a 1099, and not on payroll. The board did stress to Rex that any casual laborer he gets should be in reasonably good health with no back issues.
- No need to spray for weeds this fall. Next year in the spring.
- Roads need some gravel down before winter sets in. It will be a muddy mess this winter without some gravel in areas. The amount of gravel needed could be as much as $20,000 to just get by according to Rex. The Board agreed that gravel needs to be spread in areas but that he is allowed $10,000 and then the board will see how far that goes. A motion was made, moved and passed to have Rex contract with Ashburn for $10,000, or less, in gravel for the roads.
- Robin Boucher had expressed concern to fellow Board members about the grader being parked on Sundance Circle overnight, or any other street, on a regular basis. He feels it could be a liability issue.
After a brief discussion it was made clear by the Board that the grader site is where the grader should be parked when not being used.
There being no further discussion the meeting adjourned at 8:15 PM.
_____________________________, Secretary