REGULAR MEETING – September 11, 2012

The El Rancho Florida Homeowners Association held their regular quarterly meeting on September 11, 2012, at 6:00 PM at 280 Sundance Circle, Durango, CO.  Present for the meeting were:

Jack Wasserbach – President
Rex Emenegger – Vice President
Pete Diethrich – Treasurer
Terri Roberts – Director

Also present for the meeting was Marsha Moreland – Executive Secretary.  Kate Pickford, Secretary was out of town.  The meeting was called to order at 6:00 PM.

A motion was made, moved and passed to approve the Annual Meeting minutes of April 10, 2012 as written.

The ditch was shut off early and the on and off again for the last time on June 18th.  It was discussed on how the users could be educated on when, who and whether their rights are Project Water vs. Adjudicated.  Who has senior rights on the ditch?


  1. Billing messages –NO burning of trash in the subdivision.  Reminder of bears in the trash and that a mountain lion was seen.  Also, owners of barking dogs need to be considerate of their neighbors.
  2. BANK BALANCE –  $53,000
    • Biessenberger’s Contract:  The Board has contracted with Tom Biessenberger to clean up the weeds at the pond area.  They will work up a Scope of Work for the spring contract to include:
      Mowing the trail all the way around the pond; clearing of dead trees; cutting of tall grasses and weeds, etc.
  4. Heather Snow’s Rental:  Marsha will speak with Heather about whether she is renting her house out and living in the barn.
  5. Weed Letters to go out in the spring to those infested with noxious weeds and thistles.  (Sauer, Dalenberg, Carlson, Nie to name a few.

There is a larger amount of chlorine in the water than in the past due to the State’s requirements for the District.  The tank is at 24.5’ full, much fuller than it has ever been in the past.  The request for bids went out Sept. 10th for building the new pump house.  Filtration will be installed in the pump house as a State requirement.  The infiltration gallery has been enlarged but is not hooked up yet due to waiting for State approval.

The roads appear in good shape going into the winter months.  Marsha will put a note on the billings telling residents not to park on the side of the roadways.
There being no further discussion the meeting was adjourned at 7:16 PM.

__________________________, Secretary