REGULAR MEETING – September 2, 2015
The El Rancho Florida Metropolitan District held their regular monthly meeting on September 2, 2015 at 6:00 PM. The regular meeting was attended by the following Board members:
Steve Swisher – President
Jack Wasserbach – Vice President
Robin Boucher – Secretary
David Shipps – Treasurer
Gary Skiba – Director
Also, present for the meeting were: Rex Emenegger – Grader Operator and Marsha Moreland – Administrator. Robert Ludwig was unavailable for this meeting. The meeting was called to order at 6:00 PM.
A motion was made, moved and passed to approve the Minutes of August 10, 2015 regular meeting as submitted.
In Robert Ludwig’s absence, he submitted a written report for the Board which is attached. Jack Wasserbach reported that the project is to be completed by September 30th. Services need to be connected yet on Pioneer Circle and Ranchos Florida Drive. The Board will schedule a final walk thru around the week of the 17th thru the 21st. Marsha and Rex will do a punch list for Steve to address with Williams Construction and Bruce Honisch, Engineer. Some of those items being:
- Valve collars need to be concrete
- Restoration of the gravel/base on the roads.
- Hole needs to be filled at leak site
- Re-vegetation of areas disturbed
- Dirt piles need to be cleaned up
- Are agreements with property owners complete
- Protection for the fire hydrants and discuss hydrants on Cassidy Dr. being too close to the road at Grace Emenegger and Hamilton’s.
- Staging area clean up
- Culverts need to be cleaned of mud from the line project
- Crushed culverts need to be replaced
- Ditches need to be cleaned of construction mud & debris
- Drainage at Biessenberger’s needs to be fixed.
Marsha reported to the Board that she has spoken with the District’s insurance company about the claim. The representative will get back with Marsha by the next meeting on any action by the district’s insurance company.
- Accounts Payable was reviewed by the Board and a motion was made, moved and passed approving them for payment.
- Accounts Receivable report was given by Marsha and mailed to the Board prior to the meeting. There are 4 accounts that are delinquent: 3 due for shut off and 1 with a lien and collection by the County Treasurer’s office.
- The DOLA Grant Extension was discussed and it will not be necessary to extend the contract since the project will be completed on time, by September 30th.
- Budget DRAFT for 2016 – Marsha will have a draft for the Board to review at the October meeting. Marsha will need numbers from Robert and Rex before the next meeting.
- Culverts –The culvert at Brice Place is now ½ full of mud and the others are all needing to be cleaned again due to the construction project placing mud in the ditches. Rains have caused the mud to wash into the culverts. There needs to be some road restoration before the retainage on the project is released. Steve, Jack, Bruce Honisch and Rex will meet on Sept. 9th or 10th to do a walk thru of the construction debris that needs cleaning up.
- Prairie Dogs – The first round of treating the prairie dogs went quite well. The individual homeowners were billed that wanted to part take in the project. A motion was made, moved and passed to consider doing another round in October.
- Weeds – The Bowman Tract is full of willows and weeds. Rex reported that they need to be cut and then sprayed. The La Plata County Weed Control Office will be contacted on integrating insects with spraying and mowing of the UNIT I common area and the effectiveness of that approach. Gary will meet with the Weed Control Officer and have more to report at the October meeting.
There being no further discussion the meeting adjourned at 7:30 PM.
_______________________, Secretary